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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Wrists Opposed in Putting

Dear Seth,

The No B.S. Golf Newsletter

Welcome Everyone

If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter or change your
email address, there is a link at the bottom of this email.

"A successful man is one who can lay a firm
foundation with the bricks that others throw at
him." Sidney Greenberg


I would like to thank Mr Joe DeLorenzo for taking the
Time to answer these questions for us!

Joe is available for private lessons in the Chicago area.
If you are interested, let me know.

Joe is a very good instructor and does an excellent job, so if you
Are having a problem, send it to me and he will answer your
I agree with John Daly when he says practice sucks. I
try to pretend I have game conditions when I practice,
but I am only fooling myself and so it is
borrrrrrrring. How can I make practice time more

Hi Irma,
The way to make practice more interesting is to create
a pressure situation. Create a contest where if you
lose you must donate a certain amount of money to
charity. There are several ways you can do this. Most
people have a preferred way to grip the club. Have a
contest with your preferred grip against another type
of grip whether this is for putting, chipping,
pitching, or full swing. Besides the grip, you can
also pit your preferred swing method against a
different type like more or less wristy, or perhaps
longer or shorter backswing. You can also pit your
favorite brand of golf ball against a different brand
without changing your swing method or grip. The
pressure of losing money is not much different than
the pressure of game conditions. Even if you lose, you
might learn something about the way you swing or grip,
and at the same time feel good about giving to

If it were up to you to figure out a way to make golf
more exciting to watch on TV, what would you do?

Hi Gary,
I would borrow an idea from another sport like
basketball, which was being spoiled by teams who took
a long time to run a play by using stalling tactics,
so they introduced the concept of a shot clock which
made the game move faster and made it more exciting to
watch. There is no reason golf cannot do the same
thing. When it is a person's turn to play there should
be a limit to how long they can take to line up a
shot. Give the officials a stopwatch and make them
earn their pay. One of the most boring things on TV
golf is watching a guy line up a putt from several
angles. Meanwhile, there are lots of other shots being
played elsewhere on the course, so I would prefer the
cameras to catch all those shots instead of watching
one guy line up a putt for a long time. Just put the
camera on the putter when he addressed the ball or use
the Tivo concept. Furthermore, I would make a putting
rule that when it is your turn, you can only look at
the putt from behind your own ball, you cannot walk
anywhere else. Do that before it is your turn. One
exception could be made for the first guy to putt,
then everyone has the same chance to line up their
putts from other directions.

Question for the Evil Twin:
Jody, the rules say if a water hazard is marked with
yellow stakes, and your ball clears the hazard but
rolls back into it, you cannot drop on the far side.
What if it is such a long carry that a short hitter
has little chance of making it. Why cant they just be
allowed to drop on the far side?
Answer: You make a good point. Technically, the
reason for not dropping on the far side is that you
cannot drop closer to the hole from the point where
the ball entered the hazard. However, common sense
says dropping 2 club lengths closer to the hole is no
unfair advantage since you already have been hit with
a penalty. Besides, who wants to lose several balls
trying to clear the hazard? Many recreational golfers
already ignore this rule because it slows the pace of
play, and losing several balls gets expensive. Most
course managers are smart enough to recognize this, so
they make drop zones which are sometimes in areas that
are not in strict adherence to the USGA rules. Thank
goodness somebody has some common sense.

Another Season Comes To A Close
This is a sad time of the year in the northern
midwest. Where did the summer go? How did time slip
by so fast? The cold air is already slipping down
from Canada. The fall colors have gone. We probably
have already played our last round of the year. No
more Indian Summer, even global warming is not
helping. Even if it were warm enough one more day,
there are so many leaves fallen to the ground that it
is hard to find your ball in the middle of the
fairway, but then most of us are not used to being in
that position anyway. All we have left of the season
are memories of some remarkable shots, like the
awesome majesty of a moon-shot popup drive, the
graceful curve of a banana-peel slice, the feeling of
helplessness as the ball heads toward the water
hazard, the perfect symmetry of ever-growing circles
of ripples created by your ball, the impressive
rooster tail from the morning dew being ripped apart
by a sizzling worm-burner, some almost-good rounds,
and plenty of laughs with good friends. That last part
is the best. There is no better therapy for life's
daily stresses. Hurry, 2008.


Richards Quick Tip:

The Wrists Opposed in Putting

A high proportion of the best golfers today use the reverse
overlap grip--the index finger of the left hand laps over
the right and rides in the channel between the small finger
and the third finger of the right hand. Regardless of what
type of grip they use, all the best putters proceed on the
principle of having the wrists opposed. That is, if you
opened your hands, the palms would be facing each other.
With the wrists opposed, both thumbs are on top of the
shaft. The left hand should be firm and, though it must not
be tense, it should be on the side of tightness, not
lightness. This grip has a tendency to put control of the
stroking in the firm left hand, with most of the control
exercised by the little finger and the two fingers
adjoining it.

Gene Littler is a perfect illustration of a player who uses
this opposed-wrists technique beautifully. He is a delight
to watch because his entire style of putting is very sound
and it is a style that all golfers, both men and women, can
easily employ. To ensure free and proper movements in his
hands, Gene points his left elbow toward the hole and
supports the right forearm slightly on the right thigh. He
plays the ball in the center of his stance--normally his
feet are about eight inches apart--which puts over-spin on
the ball and helps it hold its line. He keeps his eyes
directly over the ball; his head remains still. He takes an
ample backswing which permits the left elbow and hand to go
forward and through with the stroke.

Do you want to improve your game?


This DVD is packed with the most critical
information that you need to use those most
important clubs the way that they were supposed
to be used. In fact, if you were to put all of
this info into lessons, you'd be surprised t! o
k now that there's over 30 individual lessons
included in this one, single DVD.

One thing that it doesn't have is specialized
drills and detailed explanations of the
mechanics. For that, you'll have to get some of
our other DVDs. If you're ready for "just the
facts," this DVD is made for you ...

Until next time...good golfing!

Richard C Myers

Telephone 864.675.0038
New South Media, LLC
45 Doverdale Rd.
Greenville SC 29615
United States

This email is protected by copyright, 2007, New South
Media, LLC Reproduction of any portion of this email is
strictly prohibited without the express written consent of
Richard Myers

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

supply golf tees from China 01:36:06

From Mr.Huang Kaibo, Good day. We have learned your information from internet.We would like to introduce us to you as an established,China based manufacturer of Golf accessory products. Our main products lines are Wooden Golf tees, Castle Tees,Ball Markers,Divot Tools (for pitch marker Repair),Plastic Ball Pencils and more. Our products are high quality for low price.(ten times lower than that in developed countries.) They also can be simple and affordable promotional vehicles for all business. We focus on providing all kinds of sizes, colors, and styles while keeping our prices competitive. Our target customers are located in Europe, North America, South Africa,Austrialia, and other regions around the world. We are a reliable supplier and provide an excellent service and rapid delivery. Please reply to me for more information such as our pricelist and website, etc if you are interested in our products. I wish this will be a good start for a long and profitable business relationship between us, thanks to the low labor cost of China . Play Where Eagles Soar! It All Starts with a Good Tee! Best regards and best wishes! Huang Kaibo (Mr.) My Email:

Monday, November 26, 2007

Putting With The Arms

Dear Seth,

The No B.S. Golf Newsletter

Welcome Everyone

If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, there is a link
At the bottom of this email.

To continue receiving this newsletter, make sure is in your address box.

Golf Potpourri
Mac Stevenson

During Winter Play Focus on Balance

With the onslaught of cold Canadian air making golf more
challenging than normal, it's important to focus on just
one or two swing thoughts. Keeping your head and lower
body steady are two key thoughts that will help you play
decent winter golf.

There's a fundamental innovation of the golf swing that is
relatively new; that's the concept of keeping the lower
body (from the waist down) almost perfectly still
throughout the swing. Don't become obsessive about staying
firm--it isn't possible to swing a golf club without some
weight shift. But this is a good idea for mature players
who don't have the coordination and balance of their
younger days.

One of the most important and least emphasized fundamentals
of the golf swing is good balance. Keeping a steady
balance throughout the swing is much easier to talk about
than it is to achieve. And making sure that you hold your
head as steady as possible aids in your overall balance.

The proper stance and set up before you start your
backswing is vital; you should have your knees flexed
slightly and bend at the waist. And make sure your weight
is evenly distributed on both feet and keep your behind in
a position like you're about to sit down. If your weight
is too far forward--on your toes--when you begin your
backswing, you'll never recover the balance that you need
to hit solid shots.

During warm up before you tee off, swing the club slowly
and concentrate on maintaining the best balance that you
can. Then, as you gradually increase the tempo, focus on
maintaining your balance as steady as possible.

By keeping your balance as even as possible during the
swing, you will improve the tempo of your swing without
thinking about it. The swing has to be smooth in order to
maintain an even weight distribution. In other words, it
will enhance your swing tempo when you're thinking only of

On all full shots, keep your left foot solidly planted on
the ground. Don't raise your left heel like pros used to
teach; you'll get the weight shift you need without raising
your left heel. And focus on not allowing your weight to
shift laterally (swaying) to the outside of your back leg.
Keep your weight on the inside of both legs and don't allow
yourself to sway.

If your natural swing speed becomes too fast on any shot,
you'll lose your balance and mishit the shot. Everyone has
a natural tempo; you have to learn how to maintain your
balance and stay within your inherent swing speed.

It's important to keep your balance from the waist down on
tee shots with the driver. If you sway (let your weight
get to the outside of your back leg), you'll lose balance
and power on your drives.

On full iron shots, swaying is a periodic problem for
golfers of all skill levels. It's imperative to keep a
solid, balanced lower body on full iron shots; if you lose
your balance, you will either hit behind the ball or hit it
thin. A steady and smooth and slight weight shift will
enable you to hit your full iron shots solid and that's
where power and accuracy come from.

A firm base and controlled balance is just as important--or
more so--on short shots as it is on full shots. Everyone
thinks it's simple to keep a steady stance on chip- and
pitch shots. Not so. On short pitches and chips, you
should sense a very slight rocking motion in your legs and
feet, but very solid balance of your lower body throughout
the shot. If you sway at all, your head will move and
you'll hit the shot thin or fat.

These same fundamentals apply to putting. Contrary to
popular belief, it's easy to get stroke-destroying body
movement on your putts. And that's fatal. Watch the pros
on TV when they putt; their lower bodies are absolutely
anchored during the putting stroke. Nothing should move
from the waist down while you're putting. If you have body
movement, your balance will be off and it will be
impossible to have a smooth putting stroke.

Practice finishing your full swing with your weight
perfectly balanced on your left foot and leg at the
completion of the shot. When you're having trouble with
your game, check lower-body balance on all shots. It's
very easy to allow unwanted movement that causes poor
balance during full- or short shots, and often you aren't
aware that you're doing it.

Working on a coordinated swing balance will improve your
game on all shots. Good balance leads to good shots.

============================== ====================

Richard's Quick Tip

Putting with the Arms

Over the years I have spent a lot of time working on my
putting and, as a result, I have some definite ideas on the
subject based on what works best for me.

I use the same grip as for the other shots. I advocate a
very wide stance. It sets up a firmer foundation. With a
narrow stance, there's a tendency to sway off the ball.

The less you break your wrists, the less margin there is
for error. I try to hit the putt rather than stroke it. I
play the ball just slightly forward of center--an inch or
two forward.

As the illustrations below show, I stand with my left elbow
well out and riding very high. My right elbow is kept close
in to my right side; in that position it helpfully
restricts me from taking the putter back too far. I start
my stroke by pushing the left elbow back. This key movement
of the elbow I can best describe by saying that the elbow
moves the way it would if some imaginary hand were pushing
it back.

I use this method because I feel that I can take the elbow
(and the putter head) back on a very straight line from the
ball. On the forward part of the putting stroke, I try to
return the putter head to the same position it had at

"People who consider themselves victims of their
circumstances will always remain victims unless
they develop a greater vision for their lives."
Stedman Graham Speaker, Author and Educator


Watch for our Christmas Special coming real soon!!

Until next time, good golfing!

Richard C Myers

Telephone 864.675.0038
New South Media, LLC
45 Doverdale Rd.
Greenville, SC 29615

This email is protected by copyright, 2007, New South
Media, LLC Reproduction of any portion of this email is
strictly prohibited without the express written consent of
Richard Myers

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

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Golf Secret - Amazingly Long Drives for You

Hello bob

Imagine a 71 year old with serious shoulder problems
winning a Major Championship!

"...My shoulder problem, which was horrendous, has now
virtually cleared, all thanks to you and your golf exercises.
I have now managed to win one of our major club competition and
considering the opposition, it was no mean feat!!..."
- Elwyn Roddick, UK

What's he raving about?

Have you spent hundreds of dollars on lessons, only to be more
confused than ever and not able to hit the ball any better?

Are you frustrated with those so-called killer swing adjustments
that fail to deliver the promised consistency to your game?

Well if the machinary ain't in good shape then all the
adjustments in the world will do ya do good....

Well, back to Elwyn...what Elwyn discovered is...
...You fix your body and you fix everything....and he claimed
victory with Mike Pederson's "Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide"

A golf fitness instructor for over 20 years, Mike knows the golf
swing "inside and out". He not only works on your swing
mechanics, but on your BODY too. Mike has played to a single
digit handicap for the last 9 years so he knows how to get
the results for you....

... some of Mike's simple golf stretches or golf exercises could
increase your drives by up to 20 yards... almost overnight!

Buy your "Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide" today and you'll

* Discover the secret of training your muscles to consistently
hit the ball near to perfection every time.

* How to make your body as limber as those rubber band punks you
see belting the golf ball a country mile...

and Much, Much More...

...and right now, as a special reward for ordering you'll get an
amazing BONUS package from Mike, including an incredible
$75.00 Half Hour Consultation With
The World's Leading Golf Fitness Expert Absolutely FREE!

That's right... as the proud owner of the Ultimate Golf Fitness
you will be entitled to a free telephone consultation with Mike...

Click on the any link and watch your handicap plummet...

Sincerely and Happy Golfing

Aidan Sugure

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Golf Secret - Shave at least 7 Strokes

Hello bob

"Just thought I'd share this quick note with you.
I was buried in the greenside bunker on 18 yesterday,
and I remembered your tip about closing the club face
and hitting two inches behind the ball and darn if it
didn't work!"

Well, I just had to share that great quote (not about me)
from Maria Mark in Atlantic Beach, FL. Maria was
so excited to get her handicap down from 21 to 18 and
I was struck by Maria's enthusiasm and her delight in
such a marked improvement in her performance...

I guess your wondering "How she DID it?"...

Even more, I'll bet you like what Carlos Carvalho
in Sao Paulo, Brazil had to say...

"Immediately, I cut 7 to 10 strokes off my scorecard.
My lowest score ever is a 75 when all aspects of the game
came together on a Saturday morning. I'm shooting
in the low 80's more consistently..."

Boy, could we all use more of that!

We're talking about David Nevogt. David's revolutionary
system, "The Simple Golf Swing" has helped 7,987 golfers %

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Golf Secret #16 - The Great Equalizer

Hello bob

If you've ever dreamed of
playing a round with Tiger Woods
or your favorite golf hero then
you need to understand
"The Great Equalizer"


The handicap system makes it
possible for golfers with
different skill levels
to play each other in
the great spirit of competition.
Click any link to understand
how it works for you...


To claim Your Free E-Lesson
click on any link or cut and
paste it into your browser.


...and discover how the
"Great Equalizer"
could let you play your
dream round with the "Tiger"


Aidan Sugrue

Hot Golf Secrets and Golf for Cash

"Your source for Awesome Free Golf Tips"

"Discover FREE Golf and Even Get PAID to Play"

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Golf Secret #15 - The Slicing Cure

Hello bob

Have you ever opened with a
seemingly ok tee shot only
to watch in horror as the ball
curves to the right and becomes
hopelessly lost in a frightful
collection of looming trees
and crackling branches?

Don't let the "dreaded slice" ruin
your game. Click any link for
your personal cure to "sliceitis".

To claim Your Free E-Lesson
click on any link or cut and
paste it into your browser.

...and take a powerful step
towards eliminating "tee to tree"
syndrome once and for all.


Aidan Sugrue

Hot Golf Secrets and Golf for Cash

"Your source for Awesome Free Golf Tips"

"Discover FREE Golf and Even Get PAID to Play"

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Seth,

Richard's Thoughts

Well Friends, here we are again with another Thanksgiving
upon us. Let all of us thank our higher power for all the
blessings that he has bestowed upon us, especially our
health. May we pray for peace, throughout the world,
and help those in need.


The tradition of celebrating thanks dates back nearly 400

The first American Thanksgiving was a three-day harvest
festival celebrated in 1621 by the pilgrims and Native
Americans at Plymouth, Mass. For the next 150 years,
Thanksgiving celebrations were held sporadically. George
Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving
proclamation in 1789, the year of his inauguration. He
issued another proclamation in 1795. On October 3, 1863,
in the middle of the Civil War, President Abraham appointed
a notional day of Thanksgiving to be observed on the last
Thursday in November. Every president after Lincoln issued
an annual proclamation to set the date of Thanksgiving,
which continued until 1941 when a joint congressional
resolution officially set the date as the fourth Thursday
in November.

The feeling of thankfulness is quite different from all
other emotions. Gratefulness is a complex and powerful
emotion that is inherently connected with the condition of
faith. The word grateful comes from the latin root gratus,
which in also the root word of gratis and grace.

To be thankful requires an acknowledgement of two important
aspects of our lives; 1) that we have something for which
to be thankful and 2) that we have someone or something to
which to be thankful. We cannot have one without the other
for they are indivisibly linked.

As we take stock of our good fortune and many blessings, we
find that the most impressive wonders of life seem far from
our conscious control...the beauty of a fall sunset, the
majesty of a mountain vista at dawn, the elegant site of a
deer casually crossing a brilliant fairway, the radiant
warmth of the sun on a clear, cool morning, the awesome
site of a rainbow, that beautiful red cardinal prancing
around on the green, near the cup. These simple, yet
amazing phenomena bless all those who take the time to
notice and appreciate them. More personally, if we review
most impressive blessing of our lives, virtually all of
them seem to have been beyond our control...perhaps gratis or
grace inspired. Being golfers outside, on our well
manicured courses, we are very aware and appreciative of
our natural beauty.

As our planet moves rapidly into an era of increasingly
idealistic visions and dreams, the importance of
thankfulness cannot be overstated. Let us all be thankful
for our many blessings today and even more thankful for the
amazing blessing we are certain to experience in the coming
years. For thanks produces faith, and faith in our visions
produces our tomorrows.

Thank all of you for blessing my life with your support
over the last several years, thank you for being my friend,
and a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Until next time, good golfing!

Dr Richard C Myers

Telephone 864.675.0038 New South Media, LLC 45 Doverdale
Rd. Greenville, SC 29615

This email is protected by copyright, 2007, New South
Media, LLC Reproduction of any portion of this email is
strictly prohibited without the express written consent of
Richard Myers

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Golf Tip # 14

RE: Golf Tip # 14

From: Richard Myers

Hi Seth,

Fourteen days ago you signed-up to get our time-proven golf tips at

Todays golf tip answers this important question:


What is the most difficult part of the game, and what can I
do to improve it?


Click the link below for the full answer

Good golfing,

Richard Myers - President

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Golf Secret #14 - Break Free of the Sand "Trap"

Hello bob

Nothing tests a golfers
character more than the
sand trap. This is because
the sand trap is mostly a
"mental trap" rather than
an "actual trap".

Just watch the way you
react when you see your
ball land in the trap!

Click any link and find
yourself being secretly glad
the next time you end up
in the bunker.

To claim Your Free E-Lesson
click on any link or cut and
paste it into your browser.

...and discover How You
can smile from ear to ear the
next time you visit this gorgeous
sandy beach!


Aidan Sugrue

Hot Golf Secrets and Golf for Cash

"Your source for Awesome Free Golf Tips"

"Discover FREE Golf and Even Get PAID to Play"

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Contacting the Ball with the Putter

Dear Seth,

The No B.S. Golf Newsletter

Welcome Everyone

If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, there is a link
At the bottom of this email.

To continue receiving this newsletter, make sure is in your address box.

Golf Potpourri
Mac Stevenson

It's Cold--Shorten Your Backswing

The holiday season is here and for most of us the golf
weather has turned decidedly colder. The tendency is to
try for a big turn on the backswing, even though we're
wearing more and heavier clothing. Don't do it.

It's time to reconsider your swing strategy on the golf
course during cold days. You can still use the
fundamentals that have become familiar after studying
Richard's videos. All you have to do is adjust your swing
to the cold weather and heavy clothing.

In the autumn of the year, when you're playing with a lot
of clothing, don't try and force a big shoulder turn and
long backswing. If you try to make a big turn and hit it
hard, your timing will be destroyed and you'll mishit a lot
of shots. It will feel natural to take a shorter backswing
because of the cold weather and additional clothing.

When it's cold, take a smooth, short swing and try and make
solid contact. You'll be surprised to find that your
distance won't suffer as much as you expect it to; this is
true even though the ball doesn't fly as far in cold

This cold-weather swing strategy applies to both woods and
irons. When you tee off with the driver, keep everything
under control by shortening your backswing. Do the same
with your irons; use one more club (example: a 7-iron
instead of an 8-iron) than you would in warm weather and
swing easy and make solid contact.

When wearing extra clothing in cold weather, trying to
swing hard is inviting the creation of bad habits that can
carry over into spring. Conversely, if you keep it smooth
and short during the winter, the longer swing will develop
naturally in the warmer spring climate. You won't even
have to think about it; you'll just naturally use a fuller
swing in warm weather.

Using a short backswing in the winter will help your
warm-weather game. After using a smooth swing during the
cold months, you will learn you don't have to take a big
turn to get the distance you're capable of.

It's imperative that you wear enough clothing to be
comfortable; if you become chilled on the golf course your
game will suffer and it's no fun. Long johns and corduroy
slacks will take care of the bottom tier. For the top, you
will be better off with several layers of lighter clothing
topped with a loose-fitting polyester windbreaker rather
than a heavy jacket over a shirt.

The windbreaker is important. It should be loose-fitting,
but needs a snug collar, waist, and cuffs. If the collar is
loose, try wearing a scarf around your neck. It's better
to be a little too warm than cold and stiff.

A stocking cap is hard to beat for your head. If it's
extra chilly, try wearing a ski band under the stocking cap
for extra protection for your ears. And here's another
tip: If you're playing on a cold but sunny day, take a
golf visor. Make sure it is large enough to fit over your
stocking cap so you'll have the bill of the visor to shield
your eyes from the sun.

Shortening your backswing doesn't mean to make it
unnaturally abrupt. Swing in a way that feels easy and
smooth despite all the extra clothes. In other words,
don't try and make your backswing longer than what feels
comfortable, but don't try and make it extra short either.
Just take it back smoothly and let it stop when that's what
feels right. You'll lose some distance, but not as much as
you think. And when you hit it solid, you'll be surprised
at the distance you can get with a shorter backswing.

To one and all, have a most Happy Thanksgiving!

============================== ====================

Richard's Quick Tip

Contacting the Ball with the Putter

An important thing to remember when putting is the action
of the ball itself. A ball that is struck in the center
runs much truer than one struck below or above the center.
The latter reacts to any irregularity of the green, but the
ball hit amidships rolls over most green imperfections
without losing its line.

With this in mind I advise my pupils to modify in their own
minds the old rule to keep the putter as low to the ground
as possible. If you put a ball down on your living room
carpet or on a green and place one of today's narrow-bladed
putters behind it, you will notice that the center of the
ball is in line with the top of the blade. Consequently,
when you putt, you should make a small adjustment in your
stroke and concentrate on bringing the center of the blade
through the center of the ball. When you make this kind of
contact you'll hear that nice crisp sound all good putters

On uphill putts I think you will find you'll get a
helpfully strong over-spin on the ball if you shut the face
of putter slightly. Conversely, on downhill putts where
delicacy is needed, the face of the putter is "turned
uphill," or laid back just a shade.



"Whether or not we realize it each of us has within us the
ability to set some kind of example for people. Knowing
this would you rather be the one known for being the one
who encouraged others, or the one who inadvertently
discouraged those around you?"
Josh Hinds Syndicated
Columnist and Author


Watch for our Christmas Special coming real soon!!

Until next time, good golfing!

Richard C Myers

Telephone 864.675.0038
New South Media, LLC
45 Doverdale Rd.
Greenville, SC 29615

This email is protected by copyright, 2007, New South
Media, LLC Reproduction of any portion of this email is
strictly prohibited without the express written consent of
Richard Myers

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Monday, November 19, 2007 Golf Tip # 13

RE: Golf Tip # 13

From: Richard Myers

Hi Seth,

Thirteen days ago you signed-up to get our time-proven golf tips at

Todays golf tip answers this important question:


To think or not to think, that is the question. How much
should you think on the course?


Click the link below for the full answer

Good golfing,

Richard Myers - President
New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

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To update your contact information:

Golf Secret #13 - The Right Putter for You

Hello bob

Choosing the right putter
can be the most important
decision you make when it
comes to your golf equipment.

In fact, the putter is the
club you use the most and
deserves all the consideration
of choosing a best friend.

Click any link and we'll let
you in on the secret to finding
a best friend with "brains".

To claim Your Free E-Lesson
click on any link or cut and
paste it into your browser.

...and You'll Discover how to
choose the right putter for you.


Aidan Sugrue

Hot Golf Secrets and Golf for Cash

"Your source for Awesome Free Golf Tips"

"Discover FREE Golf and Even Get PAID to Play"

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Michael AnthonyĆ¢€™s Special Golf Announcement

Michael Anthony's Special Golf Announcement

Monday, November 19, 2007

Hi Determined Golfer,

Every so often I have a Special Announcement that can
help you to lower your score. I recommend that you
check this one out.


"Chuck Evans secrets to better golfing...

Chuck is recognized by Golf Magazine as one of the
Top Teachers in America. Whether you are trying to
break 100 or break par, why not listen to what Chuck
has to say...

Click here for Chuck Evans Interview;

Have a Happy Thanksgiving,

Michael Anthony

P.S. Don't forget to listen to Chuck,


'The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf'

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

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To update your contact information:

Sunday, November 18, 2007 Golf Tip # 12

RE: Golf Tip # 12

From: Richard Myers

Hi Seth,

Twelve days ago you signed-up to get our time-proven golf tips at

Todays golf tip answers this important question:


Would you like to know how to compute and judge distances
on the course?


Click the link below for the full answer

Good golfing,

Richard Myers - President

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Saturday, November 17, 2007 Golf Tip # 11

RE: Golf Tip # 11

From: Richard Myers

Hi Seth,

Eleven days ago you signed-up to get our time-proven golf tips at

Todays golf tip answers this important question:


Would you like to know the most missed shot of all golfers
and how to avoid them?


Click the link below for the full answer

Good golfing,

Richard Myers - President

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Golf Secret #11 - Perfect Putting Posture

Hello bob

One of the quickest ways
to improve your putting game
is to improve your posture.

Cultivate the three "P"s
of "Perfect Putting Posture"
and you'll be well on your
way to being a master of your
short game.

To claim Your Free E-Lesson
click on any link or cut and
paste it into your browser.

...and discover how you can
relax your putting posture,
make more successful putts
and shoot your lowest scores


Aidan Sugrue

Hot Golf Secrets and Golf for Cash

"Your source for Awesome Free Golf Tips"

"Discover FREE Golf and Even Get PAID to Play"

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Friday, November 16, 2007 Golf Tip # 10

RE: Golf Tip # 10

From: Richard Myers

Hi Seth,

Ten days ago you signed-up to get our time-proven
golf tips at

Todays golf tip answers this important question:


Have you ever lost strokes because of poorly judged distance,
jinx shots, bad judgement, or hurried shots? If so, you may
need to practice 'good thinking'.


Click the link below for the full answer

Good golfing,

Richard Myers - President

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Golf Secret #10 - Sam Snead's Putting Grip

Hello bob

Legendary golfer Sam Snead
knew that the right putting grip
was a key secret to consistent
success in the short game.

Snead even developed his
very own unique grip.
Now you can demolish
your competition when you
adapt Snead's approach
to your short game.

To claim Your Free E-Lesson
click on any link or cut and
paste it into your browser.

...and discover how you can
discover the unique putting
grip that works best for you.


Aidan Sugrue

Hot Golf Secrets and Golf for Cash

"Your source for Awesome Free Golf Tips"

"Discover FREE Golf and Even Get PAID to Play"

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Thursday, November 15, 2007 Golf Tip # 9

RE: Golf Tip # 9

From: Richard Myers

Hi Seth,

Nine days ago you signed-up to get our time-proven golf tips at

Todays golf tip answers this important question:


If I need to practice my mechancial game, should I also
practice my mental game?


Click the link below for the full answer

Good golfing,

Richard Myers - President

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

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To update your contact information:

Golf Secret #9 - Larry Mize's Sudden Death Victory

Hello bob

Larry Mize won the 1987 Masters
tournament in a sudden death playoff
against Greg Norman when he hit a
140 foot chip shot that went in
the hole.

Yes! Tournaments are won and lost
with this seemingly easy shot. If
you'd like to master your chipping,
bring down your score and set yourself
up for less putting on the greens
then click any link and enjoy.

To claim Your Free E-Lesson
click on any link or cut and
paste it into your browser.

...and discover how you can
conjure up your own "Larry Mize"
chipping magic.


Aidan Sugrue

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Golf Tip # 8

RE: Golf Tip # 8

From: Richard Myers

Hi Seth,

Eight days ago you signed-up to get our time-proven
golf tips at

Todays golf tip answers this important question:


Does practice always make perfect? Are there times that I
should not practice?


Click the link below for the full answer

Good golfing,

Richard Myers - President

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Golf Secret #8 - Be a Know-Nooothing...

Hello bob

"I know noothing, Senor!" to quote that
great philosopher "Speedy Gonzalez"...

Yes! there's great wisdom in cultivating
what I call a "beginner's mind" in your golf.
If you know nothing, you can go back to a place of
no expectations and enjoy great freedom in your game.

You'll be surprised at how much more fun
you can have when you bring a child's
sense of fun, curiosity and play to your game...

Enjoy your results but be easy about calling them "good"
or "bad". Whether you land a "hole in one" or "hit out of
bounds", you simply created outcomes...nothing else....

This doesn't mean that you can't have preferences. It's just
that you do your best and you are happy with however your
stroke comes out. Yes! Enjoy all your outcomes...even
those "out of bounds" shots. These friendly critters
give you some valuable clues to help you achieve
more of your preferential outcomes. To know what's
a great shot you must know what's a lousy shot..

So be a know-nothing and enjoy many happy shots on the fairway....

To claim Your Free E-Lesson click on any link
or cut and paste it into your browser.

Your next secret...well...I know noothing...because I've not
written it yet. So stay tuned an you'll be as surprised as I


Aidan Sugrue

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip NL - Issue 229

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip Newsletter

Issue 229: Wednesday - November 14, 2007

If you want to develop a great mental game and be the master
of all your emotions on and off the golf course, make
living the Daily Affirmation a major part of your life.









Hi Determined Golfer,

If you find this newsletter helpful, please tell your friends, associates and golf instructor. Thanks for helping us grow.

"Keep Polishing Your Wheel"

If you are a new to my newsletter, welcome aboard.

My mission is to help you lower your score by increasing your awareness of how your mind processes information and providing you with insights on how to improve your mental game.

It is important for my new subscribers to get up to speed as quickly as possible. If you truly desire to lower your score, read my book and listen to my CD (part one) before and (part two) after you play as well as read my mental tip newsletters.

Once you have done your homework, you will have laid the foundation to have one of the best mental games around. The next step is to continue to work on improving your mental game (polish your wheel) until these insights become an instinctive part of your mental makeup.

My advice to my old subscribers is to keep polishing your wheel if you want your scores to continue to fall. Since my mental tips are designed to enhance and reinforce your understanding of "The Mental Keys," keep reading them as well as rereading my book from time to time.

Some of my newsletters contain new tips and others repeat past tips to refresh your tape. If you keep polishing your wheel, your scores will continue to fall. I guarantee it!

Once in awhile, I send out a Golf Announcement to inform you of other golf products that will help you to polish your wheel. Please take a serious look at them.

Play well and keep polishing your wheel,

Michael Anthony

P.S. Once you read this section "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" several times, you can skip it in future newsletters and go directly to the "Golfers Locker Room Bulletin Board" for inspiring success stories or updates from me. After several repetitions, just seeing the words "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" will automatically remind you to keep working on improving your mental game.


Dear Mike,

"What is so magical about your tips?

"Two days and the night before I went to play the first amateur tournament of the season I was remembering your tips and you know what?

"I was amongst the six best golfers of the tournament winning the Gross runners Up prize and had eight or nine straight pars. I had a long twenty foot downhill with break putt draining to save par.

"But I ended up with three bad holes where I scored 7. These were the holes where I forget to use your tips and tried to muscle the ball hard--on the long drive hole(where I tried hard to outdistance the ultimate long drive winner youngster from my group); the hole where I wanted to reach the green in one by trying my fastest drive of the day and ended in deep trouble in the deep grass in the hazard and the long par five where again I tried to hit harder than normal during the round and ended up in the other fairway.

"Your tips helped me hit beautiful shots all day and drain putts which I missed on earlier occasions."

With all the best wishes,



It makes my day when you email me your success stories or ask for my help after you have read my book and listened to my CD.

Don't be shy. It is always good to share positive feedback with your fellow golfers. Your generosity in sharing your experiences with others will help inspire them to keep polishing their wheel and help you sink an extra putt or two :-)


"How Good Do You Want To Be?"

If you ask Tiger Woods that question, he would just smile at you. If you asked him that question while he was in his youth, he probably would have told you "I want to be the best golfer to ever play the game."

How did Tiger get to where he is, and how do you get to where you want to be? Tiger got there by have an overwhelming desire to be the best he could be, having an exceptional God-given talent, and the mental discipline to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goals. Plus, he believes in himself, and he does all the right things to continually keep improving the process.

Let's forget about Tiger and talk about you. Whether you are trying to break a 100, a professional on tour or somewhere in between, the same principles apply to you. The first question is how good do you want to be? The next question is how strong is your desire to achieve your goal?

Then, you have to ask yourself, how much natural talent do you have? How much time and financial resources do you have, or are willing to commit to achieving your goals or dreams? How much mental discipline do you have? Do you believe in yourself? Are you doing the work necessary to reach your goals? The final question is, do you believe in yourself?

Now that you know your limitations, where do we go from here? First off, I want you to know that I'm here to help you, and can help you, if you follow the unique mental training program detailed in my book, The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf, and my CD, Polish the Wheel, as well as my mental tips. It's a proven fact that my program works from the positive results thousands of golfers have had as well as the elite athletes that used my program to win Gold and Silver Medals in the Olympics.

All you have to do is have specific goals, a strong desire to achieve them, follow my mental training program, persevere, stay positive, learn from your mistakes and believe you will get there regardless of the obstacles you face.

If you have a process that works -- and you work it, it's just a matter of time until you reach your goal. You can speed up the process by increasing your effort, but you can not eliminate the time it takes for your desires to become a reality. Just make sure that you don't become discouraged and quite before you get there.

Many of my tips focus on helping you to overcome your negative emotions that hold you back. Hopefully, this tip will inspire you to take a second look at what you are trying to accomplish and help you realize that your dreams will come true if you work hard and smart and never give up.

Success begins with your state of mind. You have to believe in yourself before you can ever win a prize or reach your goals. Keep asking yourself, "How good do I really want to be?" Then, ask yourself, "Am I willing to pay the price to to reach my goals?"

If you are willing to pay the price to reach your dreams, relax and enjoy the journey of perfecting the process until you reach your destination.


Super Bonus... When you order my book and CD, you will receive my new book Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tips, which contains 75 of my previous mental tips. If you read a tip a day, you will be amazed at how much it will help you to keep polishing your wheel and shoot lower scores.

super bonus

If you are not working on improving your mental game, you are playing golf with only half of the equipment. If you have not read The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf, your mental game will benefit greatly by seeing the whole picture instead of just pieces contained in these mental tips. My book gives you the tools to improve your mental game. My CD Polish the Wheel makes it much easier to keep using them.

"To develop a great mental game it's critical to realize that your mental state affects the chemistry of your brain which in turn affects your ability to perform. Then, it's just a matter of reprogramming your mind to optimize your chemistry so you can play in the zone."
- Michael Anthony

Click Now to Lower Your Score


"The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf"

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

(925) 855-1388

© Copyright 2007 by Michael Anthony. All rights reserved.



'The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf'

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Getting Behind The Putt

Dear Seth,

The No B.S. Golf Newsletter

Welcome Everyone

If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter or change your
email address, there is a link at the bottom of this email.

"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward
growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be
overcome again and again."
Abraham Maslow 1908-1970,


I would like to thank Mr Joe DeLorenzo for taking the
Time to answer these questions for us!

Joe is available for private lessons in the Chicago area.
If you are interested, let me know.

Joe is a very good instructor and does an excellent job, so if you
Are having a problem, send it to me and he will answer your

You say to experiment by having contests with your
regular stroke against another type of stroke. Won't
this mess up your regular stroke if you are trying to
make it more consistent?

Hi Mitch,
Unless you have the work ethic of Vijay Singh, who
spends all day every day keeping his stroke grooved, I
believe it is a false hope for most of us to think our
swings will stay consistently grooved if we try to
swing only one way all the time. Many golfers also
play softball or tennis or other sports, so you have
to believe these things will have some effect on your
golf swing, more so than simply trying some
variations. There are other activities that cause your
muscles to change on a daily basis (like lifting
weights or helping someone move heavy furniture), so
it seems logical to me that your swings are always
going to change a bit whether you realize it or not. I
will even go so far as to say that anyone who refuses
to participate in any other activities for fear of
losing their golf swing is playing with a house of
cards, which means the house will come tumbling down
unless you do nothing but golf. It might sound like
heresy to say the following, but there is more to life
than golf (don't hit me for saying that, Vijay).
Besides, if a person never wants to try variations,
what will that person do when a slump arrives? We all
get slumps. Believe it. Deal with it. Feel the joy of
overcoming it. Find a swing that allows simple
corrections when your muscles change slightly, as they
always will, whether you like it or not.

I like my long irons but people keep telling me
hybrids are better. I do have occasional bad shots
with my long irons but I figure the same thing would
happen with a hybrid. Do you agree?

Hi Lem,
I suspect your bad shots with a hybrid will be better
bad shots than those with your long irons because
there is more mass behind the ball with a hybrid. If
you look closely at all your irons you will notice
that the mass gets smaller and smaller as the number
of the irons gets lower, making the sweet spot smaller
as well. Hybrids have a much larger sweet spot so your
off center hits should still produce decent results,
while an off center hit on a long iron usually loses
too much distance.

The Evil Twin's Purist Corner - Point and
Purist Point - Prayers are not allowed on golf
courses. If you call on God to improve the results of
a shot while it is still in motion, you are using an
Outside Agency and subject to appropriate penalties
under the rules of golf.
Counter-Point - So penalize me. Let us pray. May thy
ball lie in green pastures and not in still waters.


Richards Quick Tip:
Getting Behind the Putt

Putting styles vary from player to player. There's no
reason why they shouldn't, for putting is a personal thing.
In my own case, about a year and a half ago after a stretch
of in-and-out work on the green, I adopted a slight change
in my usual method of putting which did me a world of good.
I altered my stance so that my body and arms were more
behind the ball.

Getting more behind the putt enabled me to be much surer
about many of the elements that make or break you on the
green. It gave me a better line to the hole. It was much
easier on my timing. I could hit the ball more
solidly--right below the equator. To sum it up, this new
position produced the picture in my mind that I could roll
the ball smoothly and accurately toward the target, not
unlike the way a good bowler, does in bowling.

When a player talks about rolling the ball toward the cup,
I realize he is going against the present-day fashion,
which would have you rap the ball with a sharp, jabby hit.
I don't think these pop strokes and bop strokes are here to
stay. The game's top players could always stroke their
putts, and that's the soundest method in the long run, I
believe. In any event, getting behind the putt is easy for
anyone to adapt to, and it has produced such good results
for me that I recommend it to all golfers who are not
natural tappers. You see that hole so much better.

Received an email yesterday for my good friend Bill
Lloyd, correcting me on a mistake in yesterdays tip.
Bill is exactly right, and I should have know better.
"The key is to stroke the ball, not hit it or hit at it. Bill"
Please take heed to Bill's words!!


Do you want to improve your game?


This DVD is packed with the most critical
information that you need to use those most
important clubs the way that they were supposed
to be used. In fact, if you were to put all of
this info into lessons, you'd be surprised t! o
k now that there's over 30 individual lessons
included in this one, single DVD.

One thing that it doesn't have is specialized
drills and detailed explanations of the
mechanics. For that, you'll have to get some of
our other DVDs. If you're ready for "just the
facts," this DVD is made for you ...

Until next time...good golfing!

Richard C Myers

Telephone 864.675.0038
New South Media, LLC
45 Doverdale Rd.
Greenville SC 29615
United States

This email is protected by copyright, 2007, New South
Media, LLC Reproduction of any portion of this email is
strictly prohibited without the express written consent of
Richard Myers

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Michael Anthony's Seventh Mental Tip

Michael Anthony's Seventh Top Mental Tip

Hi Determined Golfer,

The seventh of my seven top mental tips can be
found online by clicking the link below or
copying and pasting it in your browser window:

1) Serving Two Masters.
2) Fear Can Not Exist in the Present.
3) Handling Tournament Pressure.
4) Half Full or Half Empty?
5) How to Regroup -- Quickly.
6) Improve While You Sleep.
7) Training, Training, Training.

If you liked my tips, you will benefit greatly
from my unique mental training program by
seeing the whole picture instead of just
pieces contained in my tips.

My book "The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf"
gives you the tools to improve your mental game
and my CD "Using The Mental Keys to Polish the
Wheel" makes it easier to use them. I strongly
recommend that you use both my book and CD as
well as my mental tips to greatly improve your
mental game and lower your score.

When you order my book and CD you will receive
immediate access to my private archive of
over 70 of my previous mental tips.

Best wishes and play well,

Michael Anthony

'The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf'

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Golf Tip # 7

RE: Golf Tip # 7

From: Richard Myers

Hi Seth,

Seven days ago you signed-up to get our time-proven golf tips at

Todays golf tip answers this important question:


Are there certain tips and techniques that will help me
remember and concentrate on certain shots while I am on
the course?


Click the link below for the full answer

Good golfing,

Richard Myers - President

P.S. As promised, a special gift to you. We'd like to give you a free golf book from our e-book library called 'How to Win Your Club Championship' by Ken Black. We have sold hundreds of this ebook for $19.95, but we're giving it to your free for signing up to receive our Golf Tips. We know you'll enjoy it. To download the .pdf formatted book, visit the link below

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

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To update your contact information:

Golf Secret #7 - Shall We Stance?

Hello bob

It's not quite the exact line from that hit movie
"The King and I" but "Shall we stance?" is
your perfect invitation to today's golf secret.

I'm sure you'll agree that you can build anything
on top of a solid foundation and your stance, is
your foundation for a great and consistent game.

You'll discover the most popular stance used
by great golfers and you'll make it your own.

What's more you'll learn some amazing distinctions
so that you can modify your stance for power performance
whether it's with drives, iron shots or woods.
Go here right now to claim your next secret!

Imagine, you'll be the envy of your golf buddies
when you can consistently whack great strokes, every
time, simply by making proper stance one of your
"good" golf habits.

To claim Your Free E-Lesson click on any link
or cut and paste it into your browser and you'll
discover how perfect placement of the ball, target
alignment and point of impact will maximize your results.

In your next secret we'll explore how you can have
more fun and greater pleasure when you bring a
"beginners mind" to your game...


Aidan Sugrue

If you wish to receive no additional messages, simply click once on the link below.

One Method Of Putting

Dear Seth,

The No B.S. Golf Newsletter

Welcome Everyone

If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, there is a link
At the bottom of this email.

To continue receiving this newsletter, make sure is in your address box.


Golf Potpourri
Mac Stevenson

Give Yourself an Early Xmas Present--Tee it up Everywhere

Hard as it is to believe, Thanksgiving is just a week and a
half away. We've reached that time of the year when you
are lucky if you get to play once every ten days or so.
And it's a lot more fun if you can play decent golf after a
long layoff. Teeing it up everywhere makes it easier to
play close to your skill level during cold weather. Golf
is difficult enough without playing the ball down during
your infrequent rounds in the late fall and winter.

In the spring and summer and early fall, most of us play
serious golf, practicing frequently and playing as often as
possible. When the north wind starts to blow and forces us
inside, much of your shot-making ability dissolves because
of the lack of practice and infrequent play.

Occasionally a nice day comes along during the dreary
months of November, December, January, and February; if and
when that happens, don't take your golf too seriously.
Relax and enjoy being outside and don't worry about your
game. There will be time enough for serious golf when the
weather warms in the spring.

Depending on your location, most golfers are fortunate to
get out a few times a month during the cold, cloudy days of
winter. When you do have a chance to play, don't make the
game harder than necessary by playing the ball down.
Improve your lies everywhere.

A lot of players think teeing the ball up in the winter
will have an adverse effect on their game when they start
playing the ball down in the spring. It won't. You'll be
surprised to realize that you often play better when you
don't tee the ball up because you have to concentrate when
you catch a tight lie.

The grass on most golf courses goes dormant during the
winter and that's another reason to tee 'em up everywhere.
Golf courses are untended and the grass becomes uneven and
your ball won't sit up like it does when the fairways and
roughs are mowed. In addition, your game will be rusty to
say the least; talk your playing companions into teeing it
up everywhere, including taking level lies in the traps.

Teeing the ball up everywhere during winter conditions will
help in several ways:

* When you have long shots from the fairway or
rough, you can hit your three-wood where you might have to
use a four- or five-wood with a poor lie.

* Improving your lie helps more on short shots around the
green than anywhere else. Most of us lose our touch on
short pitches and chips during a long layoff; improving
your lie will not be a cure-all, but it sure helps.

* On most golf courses the traps will not be
maintained during the winter; consequently, you should
agree with your playing partners to take level lies in the
traps. Otherwise, you're liable to be trying to hit out of
a footprint or some other unfair handicap.

* The biggest advantage of all will come from
teeing it up in the rough. You'll be able to hit fairway
woods whereas you might have to use an iron or hybrid club
when the rough is deep in the spring.

After warm weather comes and your course is in good shape,
then you can play the ball down. You'll be surprised to
discover that playing it down won't cause your scores to
balloon like you might think.

When spring arrives, your improvement on full shots and
your short game will offset the difference between teeing
it up and playing the ball down. In other words, playing
the ball up during cold weather isn't going to damage your
game over the long haul.
During the cold months--while playing infrequently if
you're lucky--tee it up everywhere and have a more
enjoyable game. You'll play better and that has the added
benefit of increasing your enthusiasm and anticipation for
the coming spring. Spring will come again and the course
will be maintained and that will be soon enough to start
playing the ball down.

Thanks for the tip about putting. I practiced today and it sure helped my putting.


============================== ====================

Richard's Quick Tip
One Method of Putting

I used to be an in-and-outer on the greens, but I've been
putting very well, I'd say, since adopting George Low's
method. George is one of the greatest putters any of us
have encountered, and since his method is simplicity
itself, I'd like to pass it along to you.

The fact that underlies George's method is the necessity of
keeping the face of the putter square to the hole (or to
the point on a rolling green you are aiming at) throughout
the stroke. The position of the left hand on the shaft is
the key to achieving this. At address, with the clubface
square, the back of the left hand must set up so that it is
absolutely square to the hole. When you take the club back,
as the left wrist breaks, the back of the left hand remains
square. On the forward stroke, you simply let the weight of
the clubhead strike the ball, with the back of the left
hand remaining square to the hole right through to the
finish of the stroke. When the back of the left hand is
square to the hole, the putter face is also square because
they are always at the same angle.

Let me point out again, since it is very important, that on
the forward stroke you don't urge the blade on with a
deliberate action of the hands. You just let the weight of
the clubhead create its own speed. The ball will be struck
true and will roll with perfect rotation. All in all, it's
a method that enables you to keep your body motionless when
you putt and, moreover, it develops touch.


"The world cares very little about what a man or
woman knows; it is what the man or woman is able
to do that counts."
Booker T. Washington 1856-1915, Educator and Reformer


Golf is a personal game. Watch your scores come
down as the Golf Diary Personal Scoring System
changes your approach to the game. Find your
strengths and Identify your weak areas. Maximize
your practice sessions. Improve your game. Review
and Replay your best rounds. Enjoy.
Order yours now...

Until next time, good golfing!

Richard C Myers

Telephone 864.675.0038
New South Media, LLC
45 Doverdale Rd.
Greenville, SC 29615

This email is protected by copyright, 2007, New South
Media, LLC Reproduction of any portion of this email is
strictly prohibited without the express written consent of
Richard Myers

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

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Michael Anthony's Sixth Mental Tip

Michael Anthony's Sixth Top Mental Tip

Hi Determined Golfer,

The sixth of my seven top mental tips can be found
online by clicking the link below or copying and
pasting it in your browser window:

1) Serving Two Masters.
2) Fear Can Not Exist in the Present.
3) Handling Tournament Pressure.
4) Half Full or Half Empty?
5) How to Regroup -- Quickly.
6) Improve While You Sleep.
7) Training, Training, Training.

Best wishes and play well,

Michael Anthony

'The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf'

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

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Monday, November 12, 2007 Golf Tip # 6

RE: Golf Tip # 6

From: Richard Myers

Hi Seth,

Six days ago you signed-up to get our time-proven
golf tips at

Todays golf tip answers this important question:


What are the major habits that I should avoid that will kill
the interest in my game?


Click the link below for the full answer

Good golfing,

Richard Myers - President

New South Media LLC

45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC

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Golf Secret #6 - Stretch as You Go...

Hello bob

A great day on the fairway but...oouch...
you find yourself hitting the aspirin
to numb those aches and pains....

Well, you'll be glad to hear
that stretching can be your perfect
"ounce of preventation"...

You can literally grow your golf game
to your next level of excellence
by cultivating your flexibility with
a few mild stretches.It's your key to
increasing your range of motion and
your enjoyment of pain-free performance
in your game.

Click on the link and you'll discover
some simple, easy stretches that are guaranteed
to bring a whole new comfort to your game.

To claim Your Free E-Lesson click on any link
or cut and paste it into your browser.

Stay tuned for your next secret and
you'll build the perfect foundation for
your stroke with proper stance...


Aidan Sugure

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