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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip NL - Issue 266

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip Newsletter

Issue 266: Wednesday - January 6, 2010

Hi Determined Golfer,

May 2010 bring you much prosperity, and lower scores. Happy New Year.

Please do me a major favor, and tell your golfing buddies and golf instructor how "The Mental Keys" are helping you to lower your score,

Thanks for helping out,

Michael Anthony.


"Keep Polishing Your Wheel"

If you are new to my newsletter, welcome aboard. Please read "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" at the end of this newsletter.



"I recently started studying with Vic Wilk over at Las Vegas National. He referred the website to me as part of my first lesson, and I ordered your product immediately. I have finished "The Mental Keys" and am now on to the "Mental Golf Tips."

"I can already see an immediate change in my mental approach to the game. I think the chapters that have influenced me the most are Chapter 2, Outcome Versus Process and Chapter 10, Four-Step Routine.

"I'll keep you posted on my goals for next year."

Take care,



It makes my day when you email me your success stories or ask for my help after you have read my book and listened to my CD.

Don't be shy. It is always good to share positive feedback with your fellow golfers. Your generosity in sharing your experiences with others will help inspire them to keep polishing their wheel and help you sink an extra putt or two :-)



New Year's Day is special because it marks the beginning of a new year. Many individuals make New Year's resolutions to improve their lives. Unfortunately, many of these resolutions go by the wayside in only a couple of days or weeks. Are you keeping your New Year's resolutions, or didn't you even bother to make any since you haven't kept the ones you made in the past?

Whether you have or haven't, here is a powerful way to improve your life as well as your golf. Develop the mindset that every day is a new beginning for the rest of your life. Also, realize that each day you are alive is a gift you can either use or abuse. Every night before you go to sleep ask yourself if you used your gift wisely or did you just throw it away.

What happens to most of us is that we expect to wake up tomorrow and get another gift. As a result, we don't truly appreciate the limited time that we have here. Our lives are a gift and every day is precious since our days are numbered.

However, many of us waste the days given to us and don't come close to reaching our real potential. Instead of making the effort to improve, we make excuses and put off today what we can do tomorrow. Worse yet, we put off this year what we can do next year. Hence, the vicious cycle of broken New Year's resolutions and wasted opportunities to improve never ends.

Of course, there are a lot of things we are doing right. But, there are some things that each one of us could do better. So if you truly desire to improve, start living your life one day at a time. Every day do the best you can for that day. If you slip or have a bad day, wipe the slate clean before you go to sleep and make a firm intention to make better use of the gift you get tomorrow.

This mindset can be applied to your golf as well. Start playing golf one shot at a time and use the 4-step routine to learn from the feedback. Allow every golf shot to stand on its own. If you make a good shot, congratulate yourself. If not, make the necessary mechanical or mental adjustments, start fresh and don't carry any emotional baggage with you to the next shot.

Every day, like every golf shot, offers you the chance for a new beginning as long as you get up on the right side of the grass:)


Super Bonus... When you order my book and CD, you will receive my Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tips book, which contains 75 of my favorite mental tips. If you read a tip a day, you will be amazed at how much it will help you to keep polishing your wheel and shoot lower scores.

super bonus

If you are not working on improving your mental game, you are playing golf with only half of the equipment. If you have not read The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf, your mental game will benefit greatly by seeing the whole picture instead of just pieces contained in these mental tips. My book gives you the tools to improve your mental game. My CD Polish the Wheel makes it much easier to keep using them.

"To develop a great mental game, it's critical to realize that your mental state affects the chemistry of your brain which in turn affects your ability to perform. Then, it's just a matter of reprogramming your mind to optimize your chemistry so you can play in the zone."
- Michael Anthony

Click Now to Lower Your Score
and Get 50% OFF Your Order for Helping Out


"Keep Polishing Your Wheel"

My mission is to help you lower your score by increasing your awareness of how your mind processes information and providing you with insights on how to improve your mental game.

It is important for my new subscribers to get up to speed as quickly as possible. If you truly desire to lower your score, read my book and listen to my CD (part one) before and (part two) after you play as well as read my mental tip newsletters.

Once you have done your homework, you will have laid the foundation to have one of the best mental games around. The next step is to continue to work on improving your mental game (polish your wheel) until these insights become an instinctive part of your mental makeup.

My advice to my old subscribers is to keep polishing your wheel if you want your scores to continue to fall. Since my mental tips are designed to enhance and reinforce your understanding of "The Mental Keys," keep reading them as well as rereading my book from time to time.

Some of my newsletters contain new tips and others repeat past tips to refresh your tape. If you keep polishing your wheel, your scores will continue to fall. I guarantee it!

Once in awhile, I send out a Golf Announcement to inform you of other golf products that will help you to polish your wheel. Please take a serious look at them.

Play well and keep polishing your wheel,

Michael Anthony

P.S. Once you read this section "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" several times, you can skip it in future newsletters. After several repetitions, just seeing the words "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" will automatically remind you to keep working on improving your mental game.

"The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf"

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

(925) 855-1388

© Copyright 2010 by Michael Anthony. All rights reserved.



'The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf'

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

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