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Golf Potpourri
Mac Stevenson
Practicing with Poor Fundamentals is Counterproductive
After a dreary and dreadful and snowy and bitterly cold
winter, the 2008 golf season is finally drawing near. When
planning on how to start your season, you'll be way ahead
of the game if you focus on the short game.
The great majority of male golfers shoot scores that range
from 80-100; meanwhile, most of the gals have a range of
90-120. And almost all of the aforementioned players have
awful short games, which is truly a shame.
Most golfers with poor short games don't have a chance to
improve because their fundamentals are all wrong. It
doesn't do any good to practice when you're not using the
proper technique. In fact, all you do is ingrain your bad
habits and make them harder to correct.
Golfers with the highest handicaps have the most to gain;
by working diligently on their short games, they can
improve dramatically in a short time. High-scoring players
are faced with many short shots close to the green.
High-handicappers seldom hit greens in regulation;
therefore, they have to hit short shots on almost every
hole. And watching them and their wretched fundamentals is
painful--they don't have a chance.
The best approach to securing a solid short game is to
watch someone who has good fundamentals and technique and
copy them. And don't be afraid to ask for their advice and
assistance. Players and pros with advanced short-game
knowledge can really help. In addition, Richard's
video--"Short Game Clinic"--will be a sound investment if you
want to lower your handicap.
Three basic shots are the foundation for a solid short
Putting--Most men and women have a poor putting grip and
stance. Try the reverse-overlap grip with a square (to the
hole) stance. Eliminate head and lower body movement
during the stroke and you'll be on the way to being a
better putter. Get with your pro or a good player to learn
exactly what a reverse-overlap grip is and how to use it.
Chip Shot--Open your stance and play the ball off your back
foot. Start your hands ahead of the ball with most of your
weight on your left foot. Take the clubhead back and up
with firm wrists and strike the ball with a descending
blow. The length of your backswing and follow through will
determine the distance.
Pitch Shot--Play the ball off the middle of your stance with
your hands slightly ahead of the ball. Use an open stance
and keep your weight on your left foot. Take the clubhead
back and up and strike the ball with a firm, descending
Keep your head as steady as possible on all three of these
shots. And these instructions are for shots on level lies;
for uphill or downhill shots, you'll have to make
Remember one thing: Changing your fundamental approach to
any of the aforementioned shots will feel very awkward at
the start. That's because you've been doing it wrong for
so long that bad habits are firmly entrenched and hard to
break. But it will be worth the effort.
Even if your full shots leave a lot to be desired, you'll
still have a chance for numerous pars from just off the
greens. With some diligent practice using the right grip,
stance, and stroke, you can learn to get up and down close
to 50 percent of the time. And you'll cut down on your
double bogies because you won't three-putt as often. Most
of your putts will be in the 10-15 foot range rather than
30-40 footers, which are the result of botched chips or
The worse you are, the quicker you can improve. But you
have to practice and know how and what to practice. It's
even possible and fun to work on your short game indoors
during the winter, but that's a subject for another day.
Just Because There's Frost and Snow On The Ground Doesn't
Mean That Your Golf Game Can't Get Better RIGHT NOW!
Innovative Video From Gives
Time-Tested, Proven Techniques To Not Only Maintaining Your
Game Over Winter, But (Get This) - IMPROVING IT In Just a
Few Minutes a Day
Finally - get better over the winter - instead of having to
start all over again in the spring!
Order your DVD now!!
============================== ====================
Richard's Quick Tip
Wrap a Towel Around Grip to Eliminate Tension
Excessive tension in the hands and forearms leads to
Many problems in the swing. A light grip reduces the
tendency of the hands to tighten during the swing and
thus over control the club. This promotes a better swing
pace and an improved swing path. To help reduce tension,
wrap a towel around the grip of the club when you are
practicing. This helps to develop trust in a light grip, and a
feel for it as well.
"Self-acceptance comes from meeting life's
challenges vigorously. Don't numb yourself to
your trials and difficulties, nor build mental
walls to exclude pain from your life. You will
find peace not by trying to escape your problems,
but by confronting them courageously. You will
find peace not in denial, but in victory."
J. Donald Walters Author
Lecturer and Playwright
Until next time, good golfing!
Richard C Myers
Telephone 864.675.0038
New South Media, LLC
45 Doverdale Rd.
Greenville, SC 29615
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New South Media LLC
45 Doverdale
Greenville, SC
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