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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Coil Body to Reduce Tension

Dear Seth,

The No B.S. Golf Newsletter

Welcome Everyone

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I would like to thank Mr Joe DeLorenzo for taking the
Time to answer these questions for us!

Joe is available for private lessons in the Chicago area.
If you are interested, let me know.

Joe is a very good instructor and does an excellent job, so if you
Are having a problem, send it to me and he will answer your

A Bit Of Golf Trivia:
It was much harder to make an ace in the old days, and
it had nothing to do with a golfer's skills. Why was
that true? (answer is below)

I am a blind golfer and have been playing since 1950.
I lost my sight but still love the game of golf. Ten
years go I had both knees replaced and now I don't
have much action with my bottom side especially my
right leg and without it I have lost a lot of
distance. Yes I was a good golfer and still am a good
golfer at 90 years of age. I am the recipient of the
Ben Hogan award and was inducted into the Hall of Fame
in St. Augustine Florida. My question for you is
there any drill that I can use to me with only my
upper body. Will appreciate an answer.
Joe Lazaro

Hello Joe,
It is an honor to be contacted by a Hall Of Fame
member like you. I admire your determination to
overcome your physical problems and still seek
improvement at your age. With your limited lower body
motion, a loss of distance is a natural thing.
Sometimes if you fight it too much you may start
hitting more poor shots. It might be better to take it
easy and make good contact more consistently and live
with the loss of distance. However, if you are pain
free when your body turns, I would recommend the
double clubber drill as described in the Body Golf
videos. I hope this helps. God bless you.

I was reading recently that a blind golfer got a hole
in one. I find that hard to believe. How is that

Hi Jake,
For those of us blessed with the gift of sight, it is
hard to imagine doing anything blind, or deaf, or
without one of your limbs. However, anyone who is in
love with life has made up their mind that they are
going to enjoy life any way that they can. Imagine
yourself suffering an accident and losing your sight.
You would have a choice of sitting around feeling
sorry for yourself, or instead finding friends who are
willing to help you maintain your love for golf by
taking you to a practice green and lining you up for a
putt. Imagine feeling the thrill of tapping the putt
and hearing it fall into the hole. Those of us who
have good sight should try closing our eyes and
feeling this, not only is it pretty cool, but it also
helps you concentrate on trusting a proper stroke
without looking up too soon. It is said that whenever
a person loses one of their senses, all the other
senses compensate by becoming more keen. Then imagine
you (as a blind person) are taken to a practice range
where you can execute a swing without visual
distractions, and feel the thrill of hitting the ball
right on the sweet spot. Your friends give you
feedback on the results of your shots. Then you can go
onto a course and your friends can guide you the same
way. If you can contact the ball cleanly every time,
and your friends can make all your distance and
alignment decisions for you, then it is possible that
you could get no worse than a bogey on each hole, and
therefore shooting in the 80's is within the realm of

Question for the Evil Twin:
Jody, what do you think about drivers that have the
adjustable weight screws?
Answer: It's a screwy idea, but it might be fun to
screw around with, as long as you don't screw up your
swing trying to screw the right weights into the right
screw holes. It gives a whole new meaning when you hit
a bad shot. Instead of saying screw it, you can
actually do it.
(note from Joe - Jody, I think you have a screw loose,
and it's not in your driver)

Answer to the above trivia question:
In the old days, many flagsticks were made of wood and
those were thicker, so there was less room for the
ball to fall in. I am sure there were many shots in
the old days that would have been aces if they had the
advantage of modern skinnier flagsticks. Ben Hogan
reportedly had several shots hit the flagstick and
bounce off the green, so he stopped aiming directly at
the flag because of that.


Seniors Advantage

Once upon a were considered a "big hitter." But
now - you have trouble just getting the ball past the 150
marker on par 4's

Once upon a could hit practically every green in
regulation. But now - you have to scramble just to make par
- or worse - BOGEY.

Once upon a were a "contender" for the club
championship. But're just one of the "dinosaurs"
of the club

Once upon a were the up-and-coming hot shot at
the that everyone wanted to play with. But now -
you're just some duffer that everybody wants to play
through on the long holes.

Or Even were never that good to begin with, and
you're tired of all the instruction out there that's for
young golfers want to finally be the best
that you can be.

Click here now:(or copy and paste in your browser)


Richard's Quick Tip

Coil Upper Body Over Right Leg To Cut Down Tension

Tense golfers cannot swing the club freely, and thus are
destined to never reach their playing potential. To reduce
your tension level, I suggest you take a lighter grip and
let your arms hang freely at address. Then start your
backswing with a turn of the shoulders so that your body
gradually coils over your right leg. This action properly
moves the weight to the right on the backswing and then
makes it more natural to move it left on the forward swing.

If too much tension is one of your tendencies, this can go
a long way toward reducing it. I knew a lady to practice
this and she quickly learned to swing with less tension and
added about 20 yards to her drive.

We see golfers on the course and even on the driving range
all tensed up on a very regular basis, and this is just one
little technique that may help them.


"Four short words sum up what has lifted most
successful individuals above the crowd: a little
bit more. They did all that was expected of them
and a little bit more."
Lou Vickery


Until next time...good golfing!

Richard C Myers

Telephone 864.675.0038
New South Media, LLC
45 Doverdale Rd.
Greenville SC 29615
United States

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Media, LLC Reproduction of any portion of this email is
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Greenville, SC

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