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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Give Me 7 Minutes and I'll Give You...

Dear Seth,

"Who Else Wants To Add 7 Yards To Their Drive
In Only 7 Minutes?"

That's the title of the our newest product
that is scheduled for release later in the year.

You CANNOT get it now but when it's ready, it'll
sell for $129.

But I wanted to do something cool for you for
being a loyal customer (sorry but this offer
is only for current customers who've purchased
from us already).

No outsiders are going to sneak in and grab this.

The "meat" of the video should be completed in
the next week or two.

...And it's yours F R E E

The video will show you how to legitimately add
7 yards to your drive in only 7 minutes.

I'm asking for a small favor in return...

We at are trying to figure
out how we can better serve you.

There is no greater feeling than waking up in
the morning with a huge smile on my face because
I know I made a difference in somebody's golf game

...And I know from the hundreds of raving
testimonials that have poured in.

So I'm asking you to fill out a quick product
evaluation survey for us.

It will really help us out a lot and you'll reap the
rewards. Plus, you'll get access to the "7 Yards
Off in 7 Minutes" video before it hits the market.

Sort of our way of saying "thank you!"

Click below to get the survey...

All questions are optional and it'll take you no
more than 7 minutes to complete.


Until next time, good golfing!

Joseph Forbush
Joe -at-
191 Main Street Suite #1
Nashua, NH 03061

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Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited
without the express written consent of Joseph Forbush

191 Main Street Suite #1
Nashua, NH

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