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Golf Potpourri
Mac Stevenson
Superb Balance Equals Superb Shots
Many golfers hit so many shots with poor balance that they
don't even recognize the problem. Following a coordinated
swing, you should be able to hold your follow through with
the weight on your left foot.
One of the most important and least emphasized fundamentals
of the golf swing is consistent balance. Keeping a steady
balance throughout the swing is much easier to talk about
than it is to achieve.
The proper stance and set up before you start your backswing
is vital; you should have your knees flexed slightly and bend
at the waist. And make sure your weight is evenly distributed
on both feet and keep your behind in a position like you're
about to sit down. If your weight is too far forward--on your
toes--when you begin your backswing, you'll never recover the
balance that you need to hit solid shots.
During warm up before you practice, swing the club slowly and
concentrate on maintaining the best balance that you can.
Then, as you gradually increase the tempo, focus on keeping
your balance as steady as possible.
By maintaining your best possible balance during the swing, you
will improve the tempo of your swing without thinking about it.
The swing has to be smooth in order to keep an even weight
distribution. In other words, your swing tempo will improve
when you're thinking only of balance.
On full shots, keep your left foot solidly planted on the ground.
Don't raise your left heel like pros used to teach; you'll get
the weight shift you need without raising your left heel.
If your natural swing rhythm becomes too fast on any shot, you'll
lose your balance and mishit the shot. Everyone has a natural
tempo; you have to learn how to maintain your balance and stay
within your inherent swing speed. It doesn't take much to throw
off your balance just enough to miss the shot; keeping everything
smooth on the takeaway is the start to excellent swing balance.
It's important to keep your stability from the waist down on tee
shots with the driver. If you sway (let your weight get to the
outside of your back leg), you'll lose balance and power on your
On full iron shots, swaying is a periodic problem for golfers of
all skill levels. It's imperative to keep a solid, balanced lower
body on full iron shots; if you lose your balance, you will either
hit behind the ball or hit it thin. A steady and smooth and slight
weight shift will enable you to hit your full iron shots solid and
that's where power and accuracy come from.
A firm base and controlled balance is just as important-- or more
so--on short shots as it is on full shots. Everyone thinks it's
simple to keep a steady stance on chip- and pitch shots. Not so.
On short pitches and chips, you should sense a very slight rocking
motion in your legs and feet, but very solid balance of your lower
body throughout the shot. If you sway at all, your head will move
and you'll hit the shot thin or fat.
These same fundamentals apply to putting. Contrary to popular
belief, it's easy to get stroke-destroying body movement on your
putts. And that's fatal. Watch the pros on TV when they putt;
their lower bodies are absolutely anchored during the putting
stroke. Nothing should move from the waist down while you're
putting. If you have body movement, your balance will be off
and it will be impossible to have a smooth putting stroke.
Practice finishing your full swing with your weight perfectly
balanced on your left foot and leg at the completion of the shot.
When you're having problems with your game, check your balance on
all shots. It's very easy to allow unwanted movement that causes
poor stability during full- or short shots, and often you aren't
aware that you're doing it.
Working on a coordinated swing balance will improve your game on
all shots. Good balance leads to good shots.
Joe's Quick Tip
The Fundamental Explosion Shot
It doesn't happen very often but every now and then you hear
reports that this or that professional purposely played his
approach shot to a treacherous green into a greenside trap--in
order to be certain of getting down in two shots. I mention this
not because it is a strategy I would recommend, but it does serve
to emphasize how confident most pros feel about trap shots.
For the average golfer, on the other hand, this is the shot he
fears most of all. He plays it with a wavering mind and trembling
hand. He muffs it, and so it remains the shot he fears the most.
When you are exploding from loose sand, you must play a very
firm stroke with a purposeful follow-through. Your wedge should
enter the sand about an inch behind the ball. It should drive
through the sand in a straight furrow some six inches long. Or
to put it another way, the club head continues to plow through
the sand for five inches or so past the spot where the ball lay.
If you stay down over the shot and concentrate on plowing a
straight furrow, I can assure you that you will soon be on your
way to becoming a confident trap player.
"One of the best I've seen at keeping his routine constant in the
most critical situations is Lee Trevino. He takes the same
amount of time and makes the same moves for a shot that will win
him a major championship as he does in a practice round."
--Al Geiberger
Until next time, good golfing!
Joseph Forbush
P.S. If you haven't had a chance to look at your copy
of "7 Yards in 7 Minutes" yet and/or are interested
in finding out more about the online dvd of the month
The best way to get a chance at joining the club
is to sneak on the Priority Notification List.
Here is the link again:
Check it out and decide if it's right for you.
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