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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year | Putt Better for 2009

Well, it's the time to wish you all a very Happy New
Year and to look forward to a great 2009!

We belive that 2009 will be the year that you make
great strides in your golf game and we're here to help
you do just that.

Many of you already belong to our membership site and
as you know we have almost 16 hours of video
instruciton back there covering every possible swing
malfunction that you could think of!

Whether you are hitting it fat, thin, left, right,
off plane, or no power - you name it we have it

In addition we also have a very active forum where
you can ask questions and get answers to all of the
swing maladies you may have.

Many of you send us emails asking questions about
your swing and we look forward to receiving those and
providing the answers to your question, so please
don't stop!

2009 is already a very busy year for us. We have the
PGA Show in Orlando Florida in January, our Junior
Player Development Bash on the Beach in February with
Juniors coming from around the world.

This Bash on the Beach is open to all Juniors and
included in the Instructional Staff this year is
mental game guru, Carey Mumford.

Carey has worked with over 300 Tour Players around
the world, as well as the PGA of America, showing
players how to overcome the "mental jitters" and how
to incorporate mental training during practice and
playing rounds.

Wouldn't it be really cool if you could control your
thoughts during a round!

You can read about the Bash by going to

Now let's talk about a little something that will
help your game.

If your golf swing never changes but, you learn
better short game techniques, then you WILL drop 5-7
shots off every round - plain and simple!

A good short game is the great equalizer for those
whose ball striking is less powerful than others so
let's start with putting.

There are basically two types of strokes for putting,
Arc putting and non-arc putting.

To go along with these two types there are also two
ways to power the putter - shoulders (pulling) or
trailing arm (pushing), for right-handers that is the
right arm.

An example of someone that powers the stroke with
their right arm would be Jack Niclaus, probably the
best clutch putter of all time.

Players that use this type of stroke also use the
non-arc style of putting.

The right elbow bends and straightens powering the
stroke just like a piston - pushing the club through
the ball while keeping the sweetspot of the putter
"looking at the target", no sweetspot rotation!

If you are a left-eye dominate person, and a
right-handed player - then this is the ONLY procedure
that will work consistently.

Left-eye dominate players MUST open their bodies to
the target line so that they SEE the line. Otherwise
when they set up they will ALWAYS aim to the right of
target. This now requires that the face be closing
through Impact.

If you are an arc style putter - like Ben Crenshaw -
then the player MUST align square to the target.

Arc style putters use their shoulders to power the
stroke - pulling the club through Impact. With this
type of stroke the sweetspot of the putter opens and
closes during the stroke making ball location
absolutely critical!

Out of all of the players that have come to our schools
only ONE player has aimed the putterface to the target
and he is 11 years old...AND a great putter!

We recently had a player that had won over 30
tournaments around the world and when we measured them
they were aimed eight inches to the right of the hole
- the player is left-eye dominate!

Now you could argue that this player has had a lot of
success doing what they are doing and you would be
correct. But aiming that far to the right and having
to close the face just enough is a tough thing to

I wonder how many more tournaments they could have
won IF they had been aiming where they thought they

Once we showed this player how to set up - ala
Nickalus style - they aimed the putter perfectly every

So the choice is yours...keep doing what you've been
doing, and getting the same results, OR make a New
Years resolution to get serious about improving your
game. Either way we're here for you and will be gald
to help anyway we can.

OK, enough for now.

We'll have a couple of more announcements around the
first part of February to share with you so until
then...Happy New Year!

Chuck & Randy

P.S. We may also be moving our subscribers to a new
service. This new service will allow us to send better
quality newsletters to you and to keep up with the
growth we are experiencing. If we decide to do so you
will be asked to optin (re-subscribe) again. We hope
you do, we don't want you to miss out!

One last thing.

We are professional golf instructors and we do this
for our living. It is not a hobby for us and we take
your game very seriously and we don't have a "day job"
this IS our job...making players better!

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