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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

changing of the guard


We are moving to a more secure email service and need your help. Whenever we move to a new service it is required that all of our subscribers "opt-in" again, to the that service.

(I know it's a pain in the butt but we have to comply with the Can-Spam Act.)

We do NOT share any of your information with 3rd parties and value your relationship with us.

As a bribe...ummm gift, when you opt-in to the new service you will receive a welcome and confirmation email immediately. The confirmation email is make sure that YOU have REALLY signed up for the newsletter and that someone else isn't using YOUR email address. This process is called "double opt-in."

Within 24 hours after you have confirmed you will receive the link to your gift, I'd love to tell you what it is but you'll have to wait and see!

If you put some bogus email address in then you WON'T receive your gift!

Here is the url to sign up for the Newsletter,

Just copy and paste it into your browser and you will taken to the sign up page.

Thanks so much for all of your support over the years and I look forward to helping you with your game!


To unsubscribe please click here

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