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unsubscribe.  | Snow in the Desert!As you all probably saw we had some very "un-typical" weather here in Arizona. The Match Play was suspended for a day and when they resumed it was a little cooler then expected.
Congratulations to Matt Kuchar for winning this years event! Can you believe it? The Masters is also less than a month away! Right after this little tournament in Augusta, GA. the golf season kicks off with a bang! Is Your Game Ready?Last month I discussed which 3 Keys were for solid contact. This month, I'll discuss the last 2 Keys - for direction and curvature. As you probably have heard, our new DVD - "Pure Strike - 5 Simple Keys to Consistency" is based upon what the greatest players of all time have in common. Our DVD has the golf world talking about the simplicity of how these 5 Keys can transform anyones game. We knew the information wasn't ground-breaking in and of itself, but we also knew that it had never been presented, or taught like this before!Coaches and students alike love how simply these Keys are and how easily they can be incorporated into a players game.This month's topic is all about Controlling Your Golf Ball Each and every day I receive emails and phone calls from players around the world asking me how to control their golf ball. Some say they slice, others say they hook it...although the majority are asking about that big old banana know, the one that starts out left of the fairway and then curves right clear across the course and into the condos!Let me start with Key #4 - Diagonal Sweetspot Path The Sweetspot Path and it's relationship to the Clubface is what creates curve on the golf ball. The wider this discrepancy the larger the curve.Key #5 - Clubface Control The clubface is the biggest factor in determining the initial direction the golf ball takes off. Now, it's not 100% but in my world it's close enough!If you ball is taking off to the right of target then that is where your clubface is pointed at Impact. And if the ball is taking off to the left of target then that is where the clubface is pointed at Impact.So let's say that your ball takes off to the right and then curves farther right! That would mean that both the face and the path are right of target AND that the face is OPEN to the path!I would suggest that you focus on the starting direction first. You can do this by hitting 125 yard shots. Set up to a target, and hit a shot making it start right of target. Then, from the same set up, make the ball start left of target and then at the target.It doesn't matter if the ball is curving at this point, we are working on the start line.Once you can get the ball started where you want then work on the path. Remember, the larger the curve the wider the difference is between face/path.Until next time, keep it in the short grass!
If you would like to improve your golf game and spend time with Chuck just give us call at 800.732.4995 or email us at
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I hope you are having a great start to the 2013 season! |
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