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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Hit Through

Dear Seth,

The No B.S. Golf Newsletter

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Richards Quick Tips

The Hit-Through

All golfers who want to improve their game are faced
with a difficult problem: since it is impossible to work on
all the phases of a swing, what are the key phases to
concentrate on?

Speaking for myself, experience
has taught me to remember (whatever else I may be thinking
about in playing a shot) to be sure and hit through the
ball--that is, to make sure that my club continues through
the ball low along the ground on the line to the target.
This is a very important part of the hitting action, this
definite hit-through for two feet or so past the point
where you make contact with the ball. You can take the
club back wrong, or a little wrong, but if you hit through
correctly on line, you will make out fairly well.

I stress this point because many average golfers of my
acquaintance tend to think too much about parts of the golf
swing that are much less essential. I believe that if they
concentrated more on hitting through the ball, most average
golfers would find themselves playing better golf shots


I would like to thank Mr Joe DeLorenzo for taking the
Time to answer these questions for us!

Joe is available for private lessons in the Chicago area.
If you are interested, let me know.

Joe is a very good instructor and does an excellent job, so if you
Are having a problem, send it to me and he will answer your

A Bit of Golf Trivia
How many clubs did Francis Ouimet use to win the 1913
US Open?
(answer is below)

I was told that I should get a driver with a longer
shaft (same flex) because it will give me more
distance, but whenever I try a longer shaft, my
distance is usually less. How do you explain this?

Hello Linda,
This is one of those theories that seems to make
sense, but it only works if you can strike the sweet
spot of the clubface every time. A longer shaft also
theoretically makes it harder to hit the sweet spot
because the ball is a little farther away from you.
Any shot that misses the sweet spot will not go as far
as a shot that hits the sweet spot, so if the shorter
shaft allows you to hit the sweet spot more often,
then that would be a better choice.

I am amazed how the pros on TV can sink so many long
putts, no matter how many different courses they play
on with different types of grasses. I know whenever I
travel and play different courses, the different types
of grasses and speeds really mess me up. How do they
adjust? Is it just natural ability or else what is
their secret?

Hi John,
The best way to understand is to attend a practice
round before a tournament and watch what the pros do
on the greens. They take the time to stroke putts on
all quadrants of each green while their caddies take
notes. So even if they have never played the course
before, they have a pretty good idea on how each putt
will behave, no matter where the pin placement is. The
general public does not have this luxury, you might
get kicked off the course for slow play if you try
that. Therefore it is much more difficult for the
average golfer to sink putts because they have no help
at all in reading greens, it is just a guessing game.
You can own the greatest expensive putter and have the
best possible putting stroke, but if you do not read
the green correctly, you will not make very many
putts. Even if you do read the green correctly, but
hit the putt at the wrong speed, the amount of break
will be different and you might miss it anyway. If you
have ever played in a scramble event, you will have
noticed a lot more putts being sunk because everyone
on your team gets the benefit of watching the first
putt and therefore having a lot more confidence in the
read. Those of you who do not play in scrambles, the
next time you are on an uncrowded course, whenever you
miss a putt, try it 3 more times and chances are
pretty good that you will sink one of them.

Question for the Evil Twin:
Jody, a committee is smarter than any individual. So
if the golf rules committee used their collective
wisdom to make the rules, who do you think you are to
criticize them?
Answer: A camel is a horse designed by a committee.

Answer to the above Trivia Question is 7

"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job,
tell'em, 'certainly I can!' - and get busy and
find out how to do it."
Theodore Roosevelt
1858-1919, Twenty-Sixth U.S. President


Until next time...good golfing!

Richard C Myers

Telephone 864.675.0038
New South Media, LLC
45 Doverdale Rd.
Greenville SC 29615
United States

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