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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip NL - Issue 231

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip Newsletter

Issue 231: Thursday - January 24, 2008

If you want to develop a great mental game and be the master
of all your emotions on and off the golf course, make
living the Daily Affirmation a major part of your life.









Hi Determined Golfer,

If you find this newsletter helpful, please tell your friends, associates and golf instructor. Thanks for helping us grow.

"Keep Polishing Your Wheel"

If you are new to my newsletter, welcome aboard.

My mission is to help you lower your score by increasing your awareness of how your mind processes information and providing you with insights on how to improve your mental game.

It is important for my new subscribers to get up to speed as quickly as possible. If you truly desire to lower your score, read my book and listen to my CD (part one) before and (part two) after you play as well as read my mental tip newsletters.

Once you have done your homework, you will have laid the foundation to have one of the best mental games around. The next step is to continue to work on improving your mental game (polish your wheel) until these insights become an instinctive part of your mental makeup.

My advice to my old subscribers is to keep polishing your wheel if you want your scores to continue to fall. Since my mental tips are designed to enhance and reinforce your understanding of "The Mental Keys," keep reading them as well as rereading my book from time to time.

Some of my newsletters contain new tips and others repeat past tips to refresh your tape. If you keep polishing your wheel, your scores will continue to fall. I guarantee it!

Once in awhile, I send out a Golf Announcement to inform you of other golf products that will help you to polish your wheel. Please take a serious look at them.

Play well and keep polishing your wheel,

Michael Anthony

P.S. Once you read this section "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" several times, you can skip it in future newsletters and go directly to the "Golfers Locker Room Bulletin Board" for inspiring success stories or updates from me. After several repetitions, just seeing the words "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" will automatically remind you to keep working on improving your mental game.


I am pleased to announce that during the coming year you can listen to my mental golf tips weekly at GolfSmarterTips Podcast.

Hello Mike,

"I really enjoyed the book and CD. I'm familiar with many of the philosophies, but your explanation is simple and easy to understand. I like that you can apply the information and have a step by step guide to improve your performance.

"The majority of the material out there has great stories and can make you feel good for a little while, but if you don't take a holistic approach to self improvement your spinning your wheels."

Thanks again,

Tony Martinez
Hidden Oaks Golf Course
Tony Martinez School of Golf


It makes my day when you email me your success stories or ask for my help after you have read my book and listened to my CD.

Don't be shy. It is always good to share positive feedback with your fellow golfers. Your generosity in sharing your experiences with others will help inspire them to keep polishing their wheel and help you sink an extra putt or two :-)



Your Greatest Opponent!

You probably have heard many times that your greatest opponent is yourself, not your competition or Old Man Golf. The following is a brief explanation why.

Your brain - your internal computer - starts working at a very early age. Approximately three months prior to your birth, your brain starts recording while you are still in the womb. It continues to record everything you do and experience during your lifetime, accumulating a database on YOU. For simplicity's sake, we will refer to your brain's database as your TAPE. Your tape is a conceptual representation of the entire history of all your previous thoughts and actions which comprise your present performance level - your handicap.

The concept of your tape is important to comprehend because your brain or computer is programmed to make similar decisions in accordance to what is in it's datebase or tape. Since your brain is programmed to make decisions similar to what you have done in the past, the biggest challenge you will face when trying to change your thoughts and actions to improve your golf is your tape.

Your brain will use all of your strengths and weaknesses recorded on your tape to keep you at your present level of performance or within your comfort zone. To improve your golf, you must overcome your brain's programming to repeat what is on your tape. This may seem like a simple explanation of what you are up against, but it is crucial for you to be aware that your tape will control you unless you exercise control over it.

Fortunately, you can change your past tendencies because the most current portion of your tape has the biggest impact on your decision making process. But make no mistake, it will be a battle between your desire to change or improve and your brain's programming to have you repeat what is on your tape. Your tape doesn't care if it's positive or negative, it's job is to have you repeat the same things over and over.

When you go to sleep, your brain reviews all your thoughts and actions for that day. If you do something different from your normal routine, your brain has to decide to either assimilate this new behavior or reject it, so it can make spontaneous decisions once you awake. This is why the best time to give your tape new instructions is just before going to sleep and immediately upon waking. Otherwise, you will more than likely go right back to the previous responses on your tape and continue shooting the same score.

By successfully putting new thoughts and actions on your tape consistently for a period of 30 days, your tape will assimilate these as new habits and they will become part of your normal tape response. Either you control your tape or your tape will control you. Your greatest opponent is always yourself as long as you allow your tape to repeat your previous negative thoughts and actions.


Super Bonus... When you order my book and CD, you will receive my new book Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tips, which contains 75 of my previous mental tips. If you read a tip a day, you will be amazed at how much it will help you to keep polishing your wheel and shoot lower scores.

super bonus

If you are not working on improving your mental game, you are playing golf with only half of the equipment. If you have not read The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf, your mental game will benefit greatly by seeing the whole picture instead of just pieces contained in these mental tips. My book gives you the tools to improve your mental game. My CD Polish the Wheel makes it much easier to keep using them.

"To develop a great mental game it's critical to realize that your mental state affects the chemistry of your brain which in turn affects your ability to perform. Then, it's just a matter of reprogramming your mind to optimize your chemistry so you can play in the zone."
- Michael Anthony

Click Now to Lower Your Score

"The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf"

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

(925) 855-1388

© Copyright 2008 by Michael Anthony. All rights reserved.


'The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf'

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

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