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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip NL - Issue 271

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip Newsletter

Issue 271: Tuesday - July 27, 2010

Hi Determined Golfer,

Please do me a major favor, and tell your golfing buddies and golf instructor how "The Mental Keys" are helping you to lower your score,

Thanks for helping out,

Michael Anthony


"Keep Polishing Your Wheel"

If you are new to my newsletter, welcome aboard. Please read "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" at the end of this newsletter.



"It's been a LONG time since I've talked with you (9-10 yrs), but I'm still forwarding people to your website. I just signed up for your emails again.

"I am a Full Time Realtor in jacksonville FL now, and doing GREAT in business!! Other agents are starving, but not someone like me, who's so competitive!!! I LOVE IT!

"I don't teach Golf much anymore, but always around golfers. IN fact, I went to Las Vegas to visit my Father, and spoke to a group of 40 juniors at a First Tee there and told them about you.


Jeannette Kohlhaas

The Kohlhaas Sales Team
Professional REALTOR®
LPGA Golf Professional


It makes my day when you email me your success stories or ask for my help after you have read my book and listened to my CD.

Don't be shy. It is always good to share positive feedback with your fellow golfers. Your generosity in sharing your experiences with others will help inspire them to keep polishing their wheel and help you sink an extra putt or two :-)



"How to Regroup -- Quickly"

What do you do when you start out slow or fast and your game falls apart? How do you regroup quickly while you are playing a round of golf before it’s too late and you end up with a higher score than you are capable of shooting?

If you don’t have a plan for regrouping quickly, here are three questions that will help you get back on track fast. First, ask yourself “What time is it?” The answer is always NOW.

If you are upset about previous bad shots, you are living in the past. If you have fear about repeating past bad shots, you are living in the future. By asking yourself “What time is it?” you are reminding yourself that you can only play in the present, which is NOW. How well you perform in the present determines how well you execute your next shot. So stop agonizing about the past and worrying about the future and realize that NOW is the only time that exists.

Once you are in the present, ask yourself “Is my glass half full or half empty?” Every shot has a probability of success of making the shot and a probability of failure of not making the shot. If you are thinking about the probability of missing your next shot, you are playing with a glass that is half empty. At this point, start focusing totally on the probability of making your next shot so you can play with a glass that is half full. See my previous tip “Half full or half empty.”

The final question to ask yourself is “Do I believe?” This question has two parts. One, do you believe that you can make the next shot if everything goes right? Two, do you believe that everything can go right? No one is a fortune teller and you don’t know what will happen, but if you BELIEVE that you can make the shot if everything goes right and BELIEVE that everything can go right, you raise your chemistry and increase the probability of making your next shot.

If you don’t BELIEVE, you are back at question one where you are not in the present or at question two where your glass is half empty.

If this is the case, make sure you have a talk with yourself and ask yourself these three questions:

What time is it?

Is my glass half full?

Do I believe?

If your answers are NOW, YES and YES, you will regroup very quickly. If not, Old Man Golf is going to have a field day and kick your butt.

Since it takes time to reprogram your tape, start asking yourself these questions NOW before your next round of golf when the battle begins on the six inch golf course between your ears. If you do, you will regroup quickly. It’s your choice.


Super Bonus... When you order my book and CD, you will receive my Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tips book, which contains 75 of my favorite mental tips. If you read a tip a day, you will be amazed at how much it will help you to keep polishing your wheel and shoot lower scores.

super bonus

If you are not working on improving your mental game, you are playing golf with only half of the equipment. If you have not read The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf, your mental game will benefit greatly by seeing the whole picture instead of just pieces contained in these mental tips. My book gives you the tools to improve your mental game. My CD Polish the Wheel makes it much easier to keep using them.

"To develop a great mental game, it's critical to realize that your mental state affects the chemistry of your brain which in turn affects your ability to perform. Then, it's just a matter of reprogramming your mind to optimize your chemistry so you can play in the zone."
- Michael Anthony

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and Get 50% OFF Your Order for Helping Out


"Keep Polishing Your Wheel"

My mission is to help you lower your score by increasing your awareness of how your mind processes information and providing you with insights on how to improve your mental game.

It is important for my new subscribers to get up to speed as quickly as possible. If you truly desire to lower your score, read my book and listen to my CD (part one) before and (part two) after you play as well as read my mental tip newsletters.

Once you have done your homework, you will have laid the foundation to have one of the best mental games around. The next step is to continue to work on improving your mental game (polish your wheel) until these insights become an instinctive part of your mental makeup.

My advice to my old subscribers is to keep polishing your wheel if you want your scores to continue to fall. Since my mental tips are designed to enhance and reinforce your understanding of "The Mental Keys," keep reading them as well as rereading my book from time to time.

Some of my newsletters contain new tips and others repeat past tips to refresh your tape. If you keep polishing your wheel, your scores will continue to fall. I guarantee it!

Once in awhile, I send out a Golf Announcement to inform you of other golf products that will help you to polish your wheel. Please take a serious look at them.

Play well and keep polishing your wheel,

Michael Anthony

P.S. Once you read this section "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" several times, you can skip it in future newsletters. After several repetitions, just seeing the words "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" will automatically remind you to keep working on improving your mental game.

"The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf"

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

(925) 855-1388

© Copyright 2010 by Michael Anthony. All rights reserved.



'The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf'

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

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