Free Golf Tips every day of the week. Enjoy golf more by developing a better swing. Follow these proven golf tips and start enjoying golf more!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Seth, breaking golf news!

Hi Seth,

It's Joe Forbush here and I've got some good news... and some bad news.

Over the last few weeks I've been giving you free private access to watch some of the golf videos that will be featured in my upcoming "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club".

(If you haven't seen the videos yet you can still watch "Stroke Savers" with Adz Kozlowski here: I'll leave it up for a few more days to give you one last chance to watch it, then I have to pull it down for good.)

Feedback from the hundreds of golfers just like you that have watched the videos has been outstanding.

Seems our simple, easy to understand methods are just what golfers are looking for. Not to mention the convenience of being able to watch the videos anywhere, anytime -- like at work, perhaps!

Anyway, the good news is that I've been putting in serious hours behind the scenes and we're just about ready to open up the "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club".

And the bad news?

I've been sending the free videos out to 1,962 people... but my tech guy says we have to limit the number of memberships that are released. The web server simply can't handle a huge number of people watching the videos at one time.

(The videos in the "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club" are MUCH larger than the free videos I've been giving you.)

He says the max we can handle at one time is 78 (plus or minus a few).

And even though I've hardly released any details of the "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club" there are already people lined up to sign up as soon as the doors open.

That means a lot of people that want to join the club will miss out.

Those on the priority notification list will get a 10 minute head start on everyone else... but there are still no guarantees.

If you're not on the priority list and you want to get a head start on everyone else you can still sign up here:

Like I said, there are no guarantees you will get in just by signing up to that list, but it's your best shot.

Tomorrow I'll email you details on exactly what you get when you join the "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club", and the exact launch date.

That way you can decide if it's right for you and be ready to sign up as soon as I email you your registration link on launch day.

Good Golfing,
Joe Forbush

P.S. If the priority notification list is closed by the time you read this it means we've reached the maximum number of members. Don't worry, we probably won't sell out in the first 10 minutes, so you may still have a chance of getting in.

But if registration is still open your best bet is to make sure you're signed up here:

191 Main Street Suite #1
Nashua, NH

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To update your contact information:

Temporary Price Reduction of The Mental Keys NL Issue - 241

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip Newsletter

Issue 241: Wednesday - July 30, 2008

Hi Determined Golfer,

If you find this newsletter helpful, please tell your friends, associates and golf instructor. Thanks for helping out.

"Temporary Price Reduction"

I'm pleased to inform you I'm doing some TV advertising with a special offer. While this campaign is running, I have reduced the price of my Unique Mental Training Program from $79.95 to only $59.95 plus shipping and handling.

While this special offer is still available, here is your golden opportunity to lower your score and save money,

Click Now to Save and Lower Your Score


"Keep Polishing Your Wheel"

If you are new to my newsletter, welcome aboard. Please read "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" at the end of this newsletter.



I am pleased to announce that you can listen to my mental golf tips weekly at GolfSmarterTips Podcast.


"I discovered your web page through a search at least five years ago. I signed up for the mental key tips back then and have sort of followed and reviewed the web site ever since.

"I have wanted to order the book for several years now and I guess the $20 discount was just enough motivation to actually sit down and do it.

"I am a strong propenent and teacher of mental golf. As a PGA Professional of 17 years I feel like the mental side of the game is the most neglected, even among low handicappers.
Your material seems to be the most practical, useful, applicable and coherent mental golf information I have discovered in almost 20 years of study. I have only read the mental tips and heard you on a podcast. Looking forward to the book and CD with great anticipation."

-Scott Vice


It makes my day when you email me your success stories or ask for my help after you have read my book and listened to my CD.

Don't be shy. It is always good to share positive feedback with your fellow golfers. Your generosity in sharing your experiences with others will help inspire them to keep polishing their wheel and help you sink an extra putt or two :-)



"Anger or Instant Amnesia?"

While in his prime, Seve Ballesteros was asked during an interview how he keeps from getting angry when he misses a putt or shot. He replied, "Instant amnesia." Instead of getting and remaining angry, Seve merely forgets it and goes right back to the business of playing golf.

Unfortunately, most golfers get upset or angry when things don't go as they wish while playing a round of golf. To compound matters, golfers tend to carry their anger for several holes or even the entire round after they have made a mistake or missed a putt or shot. Does this happen to you?

It is important to understand that your anger adversely affects your brain's chemistry and performance. If you allow anger to be a part of your emotional make-up, your stroke mechanics and mental clarity will suffer as a result. Your anger will cost you extra strokes.

Here is a game plan for reducing and hopefully eliminating anger. First, as soon as you become aware that you are angry, stop and acknowledge that you are upset. Do not suppress your anger or rationalize that you have a right to be upset because your anger will build and fester. Your performance will continue to suffer as a result.

After acknowledging you are angry, realize that you are merely reacting to a fact and have a choice how to respond emotionally. You can continue to be upset or you can decide to release your anger. The obvious choice is to regain control of your composure so you can play better.

Here is an excellent method for releasing anger. While taking ten deep breaths and exhaling slowly after each breath, talk to yourself. Tell yourself that you refuse to let a fact upset you no matter how unfair or unjust the fact may be. Realize that facts are merely facts!

You may not be able to control the facts, but you can control your emotional response to them. Once you are calm and have a smile on your face, get back into the present and focus on your next shot.

If you train yourself to have instant amnesia, you will become a better golfer and shoot lower scores.


Super Bonus... When you order my book and CD, you will receive my new book Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tips, which contains 75 of my favorite mental tips. If you read a tip a day, you will be amazed at how much it will help you to keep polishing your wheel and shoot lower scores.

super bonus

If you are not working on improving your mental game, you are playing golf with only half of the equipment. If you have not read The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf, your mental game will benefit greatly by seeing the whole picture instead of just pieces contained in these mental tips. My book gives you the tools to improve your mental game. My CD Polish the Wheel makes it much easier to keep using them.

"To develop a great mental game, it's critical to realize that your mental state affects the chemistry of your brain which in turn affects your ability to perform. Then, it's just a matter of reprogramming your mind to optimize your chemistry so you can play in the zone."
- Michael Anthony

Click Now to Save and Lower Your Score


"Keep Polishing Your Wheel"

My mission is to help you lower your score by increasing your awareness of how your mind processes information and providing you with insights on how to improve your mental game.

It is important for my new subscribers to get up to speed as quickly as possible. If you truly desire to lower your score, read my book and listen to my CD (part one) before and (part two) after you play as well as read my mental tip newsletters.

Once you have done your homework, you will have laid the foundation to have one of the best mental games around. The next step is to continue to work on improving your mental game (polish your wheel) until these insights become an instinctive part of your mental makeup.

My advice to my old subscribers is to keep polishing your wheel if you want your scores to continue to fall. Since my mental tips are designed to enhance and reinforce your understanding of "The Mental Keys," keep reading them as well as rereading my book from time to time.

Some of my newsletters contain new tips and others repeat past tips to refresh your tape. If you keep polishing your wheel, your scores will continue to fall. I guarantee it!

Once in awhile, I send out a Golf Announcement to inform you of other golf products that will help you to polish your wheel. Please take a serious look at them.

Play well and keep polishing your wheel,

Michael Anthony

P.S. Once you read this section "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" several times, you can skip it in future newsletters. After several repetitions, just seeing the words "Keep Polishing Your Wheel" will automatically remind you to keep working on improving your mental game.

Click for access to my private mental tip archive


"The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf"

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

(925) 855-1388

© Copyright 2008 by Michael Anthony. All rights reserved.


'The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf'

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Q and A with Joe DeLorenzo is BACK!!!

Hi Seth,

Let's get right into it :)

What is the most important move a golfer can make during a golf swing?

Hello Ira,
If I tell you, I will have to shoot you. Oh, all right, here it is, early Merry Christmas. You will get a lot of different opinions on this question, but here's mine. On the downswing, move your back elbow to your hip before you strike the ball. This one move will help other good things to happen, without even having to think about them all.

It helps your lower body weight shift from the right leg to the left leg. It promotes a proper swing path, which is a little bit inside out. It helps you to hit downward at the ball. It helps you to delay the wrist break until you really need it, like the power of a whip.

Watch the slow motion replays of the pros on TV, and you will see they all do this elbow move, no matter how different their swings otherwise may look.

Why do pros preach fundamentals, yet their swings all look different?

Hi Al,
There is a difference between fundamentals (what everyone should do) and mannerisms (individual peculiarities). Most of the mannerisms occur on the backswing, because the backswing's only purpose is to arrive at a strong hitting position at the top, and if you can do that it may not matter how you get there (right, Jim Furyk fans?).

From there, the fundamentals take over, and the downswing happens so quickly that you may not notice the pros' similarities (lower body weight shift and moving the back elbow in front of the hip before ball contact).

Once the ball is struck, the differences in the follow thru positions again are mostly mannerisms (right, Arnold Palmer fans?).

Do you think swing aid devices are any good? I have tried a few and they did not help much. Also they are rather expensive. What do you think?

Hi Elbie,
Some folks claim they help, but I would rather spend my money on greens fees.

Here are 4 swing aids you can buy really cheap at your local hardware store

1. Get a good sized hammer with a grip about the same size as your club grips. With this you can work on your swing indoors without hitting the ceiling. The weight of the hammer head will simulate the weight of a clubhead.

2. Get an ordinary yardstick to use as a putting aid. There are a number of things you can do with this. First, pick a target and get into your normal putting setup and have someone else place the yardstick flat on the ground flush against the face of your putter, then stand back and see if the yardstick is properly aimed at your target.

Most people are consistently off to one side. Then step back and aim the yardstick at the target and line up your putter face flush against the edge of the yardstick, and you will be aiming properly (does it look right or wrong when you stand over the ball?). Then replace the yardstick with a ball and putt the ball at the target.

Most people again are off consistently to one side, but it helps to understand your tendencies. Another thing you can do with the yardstick is to view your stroke directly over the yardstick to see how steady your stroke is compared to the target line.

3. Get piece of PVC pipe, diameter 3 / 4 inch, 18 inches long. On any smooth rug (or actual putting green), try to putt the pipe in a straight line. If your putting stroke is faulty, the pipe will spin. The direction of the spin tells you if your stroke tends to push or pull the putt.

4. Get a foot-long piece of soft pipe insulation tubing that has a slit on the side. Wrap this around your putter grip and have a contest to see if you putt better with a thicker grip. The theory is that any unwanted hand rotation during the stroke will translate into the face of the putter moving off square.

The amount of this movement off square is reduced with a fatter grip due to the ratio of hand movement to the circumference of the grip. This may also improve your chipping as well because it reduces unwanted wrist action on the downstroke.
Joe DeLorenzo

Until Next Time...

Good Golfing,
Joe Forbush

191 Main Street Suite #1
Nashua, NH

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To update your contact information:

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Temporary Price Reduction of The Mental Keys NL Issue 240

Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tip Newsletter

Issue 240: Tuesday - July 22, 2008

Hi Determined Golfer,

If you find this newsletter helpful, please tell your friends, associates and golf instructor. Thanks for helping out.

"Temporary Price Reduction"

I'm pleased to inform you I'm doing some TV advertising with a special offer. While this campaign is running, I have reduced the price of my Unique Mental Training Program from $79.95 to only $59.95 plus shipping and handling.

While it is still available, here is your golden opportunity to lower your score and save money,

Click Now to Save and Lower Your Score



"Desire, Belief and Patience"

What do desire, belief and patience have in common? They are all important ingredients of success in anything that you do or try to accomplish. If you want to shoot lower scores, take an honest look at the above recipe to see what you could be doing better.

Let's start with desire. How strong is your desire to lower your score? On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the highest, if you are not doing everything under your control to improve your golf, your desire is less than a ten. That's OK as long as you realize that your success will be limited according to the actions you are or are not taking.

If you claim to desire scores lower than what you are willing to work for, you do not have a desire. You have a wish. A wish will never be strong enough to attain the scores you supposedly desire. You have two choices. Either change your goal and accept higher scores, or take more action to lower them. Why frustrate yourself if you only have a wish and not a strong desire?

If you truly have a desire and are backing it up with positive thoughts and actions, you have to believe that your efforts will pay off in the end. Otherwise, why do the work? It is important to believe in the processes that you are working on to improve. If you have selected legitimate processes that will result in lower scores, don't keep looking over your shoulder at your scores until you have mastered the process.

Always keep in mind that the outcome is merely a by-product of the process. Keep focusing on improving the process until your lower scores become a reality. What happens in many cases is the golfer gives up on the process before the results appear, and blames it on the process not working. Rarely does the golfer blame himself for not working the process.

Instead of always looking for new techniques, training devices or equipment to try out in the hope of lowering your score, have patience and master what you are working on. When you plant a seed in a garden, you don't dig it up before it has a chance to grow and bloom. Patience is a very important part of the learning process and golf.

When you play golf, belief and patience work together. Before attempting any golf shot, you must totally believe that you can make the shot if everything goes right. Otherwise, change your shot selection. You must believe in your percentages of success for making the shot and have the patience to trust the process.

You won't make all of your shots, but if you are patient and believe in your ability to make your share of shots, you will be a lot more successful and accomplish your desire to shoot lower scores.


Super Bonus... When you order my book and CD, you will receive my new book Michael Anthony's Mental Golf Tips, which contains 75 of my favorite mental tips. If you read a tip a day, you will be amazed at how much it will help you to keep polishing your wheel and shoot lower scores.

super bonus

If you are not working on improving your mental game, you are playing golf with only half of the equipment. If you have not read The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf, your mental game will benefit greatly by seeing the whole picture instead of just pieces contained in these mental tips. My book gives you the tools to improve your mental game. My CD Polish the Wheel makes it much easier to keep using them.

"To develop a great mental game, it's critical to realize that your mental state affects the chemistry of your brain which in turn affects your ability to perform. Then, it's just a matter of reprogramming your mind to optimize your chemistry so you can play in the zone."
- Michael Anthony

Click Now to Save and Lower Your Score


"The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf"

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

(925) 855-1388

© Copyright 2008 by Michael Anthony. All rights reserved.


'The Mental Keys to Improve Your Golf'

Michael Anthony
P.O. Box 35
Danville, CA 94526

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New free Stroke Savers golf video...

Hi Seth,

It's Joe Forbush here with an exclusive video for my subscribers.

I sent out a survey a few months ago to get some feedback on the
current lineup of videos being offered.

More than 127 of you responded back with glowing testimonials
about this video in particular.

It's not a flashy big-budget Hollywood production but boy oh boy
does it produce results.

And that's how we like it...

Good Golfing,
Joe Forbush

P.S. This is part one of the video. Make sure you tune in tomorrow for part II :)

Go watch the video now:


I've been having some spam filter problems as of late
with email -- so if you sent me something and didn't
hear back please email me at THINKANDREACHPAR@GMAIL.COM
and I'll get back to you with in 24 hours.


Thanks, Joe


191 Main Street Suite #1
Nashua, NH

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Q and A with Joe DeLorenzo is BACK!!! part II

Hi Seth,


I've been having some spam filter problems as of late
with email -- so if you sent me something and didn't
hear back please email me at THINKANDREACHPAR@GMAIL.COM
and I'll get back to you with in 24 hours.


Thanks, Joe


Make sure you check your email tomorrow as I have
another spectacular free video for you!


Q and A with Joe DeLorenzo

I hit some of my clubs great, and others not so great, is it my clubs or the way I swing?

Hi Harry,
Sometimes I see people trying to change their swings just because they are having trouble with one or two of their clubs, even when they are hitting the rest of their clubs OK. Being able to hit most of your clubs OK is an indication that their swing is not that bad.

Changing your swing to fit a certain club (especially drivers) could be a big mistake, a never-ending battle. There are many variables in clubhead shapes, weight, lie angles, shaft length and flex, grip sizes, etc., and the way all these factors come together can cause different behaviors from club to club, even in a matched set because of tolerance buildup. Keep the clubs that you hit well, and experiment with other clubs to replace your "trouble" clubs.

You might even consider taking your best-performing clubs to a pro shop to have the specs measured, which will give you a basis for good decisions on getting other clubs if you can afford them. Borrow from your friends and try their clubs on the range. Visit some stores that allow you to try demo clubs. Some stores will allow you to try demo clubs out of the store with no commitment if they don't meet your satisfaction.

Try to attend "Demo Days" at ranges whenever they are advertised, because they will let you hit a variety of their clubs free of charge, and compare the results you get from different shaft types, flexes, lengths, swingweights, and other specs. Give yourself the best chance to succeed, before you try a swing change that may be unnecessary.

There are so many styles to grip a putter. Which is the best putting grip to use?

Hi Greg,
There are many acceptable grips to choose from. The most popular is the reverse-overlap, but you can also try regular overlap, ten-finger, stronger left hand control, stronger right hand control, shoulder control, and the "claw" (different variations used by Mark Calcavecchia and Chris DiMarco).

One way to test what is best for you is to use a square tiled floor as a guide. Using a putter that has an aiming line on top, position that line along a floor tile line and take a stroke, while watching how the line on the putter follows the tile line. Whatever grip/stroke keeps you closest to the tile line may be best for you.

It is normal for the backswing and the follow to travel slightly inside the tile line. The next step is to place a ball along the tile line and see if your stroke can keep the ball rolling along the tile line. You may be surprised to find that you have a tendency to pull or push your putts. If you cannot keep the putts straight along the tile line, then try to keep the putter square to the hole all during the follow-thru. Have another person behind you to verify whether or not you are pulling or pushing your stroke off line.

Also where the tile lines intersect, you can use the vertical tile line to check that your clubface alignment is perpendicular to the target line. First hide the tile line with a piece of paper, address the ball, and have someone pull out the piece of paper. You might be surprised to find you were not as correctly aligned as you had assumed.

What is the logic behind the old saying that a Harder Swing can result in Less Distance?

Hi Herb,
A harder swing has less chance of hitting the "sweet spot" on your clubface. An easy swing that hits the sweet spot will send the ball farther than a hard swing that misses the sweet spot. It stands to reason that an easy swing will hit the sweet spot far more often than a harder swing.

A hard swing may also cause improper weight shifting, which may reduce your clubhead speed. Proper weight shift from the top of the backswing starts going from the back foot to the front foot before the downswing begins, setting up the power of a whip without extra effort.

Annika Sorenstam does this perfectly. Clubhead speed at impact is the sum of arm swing and wrist snap. A hard swing usually starts the wrist action too soon when the downswing begins, so there is no more acceleration added from the wrist by the time the clubhead gets to the ball, resulting an "all arms" swing and slower clubhead speed.

For maximum distance, you must save the wrist action until just before impact. This is best demonstrated with a ping pong ball and paddle. How far can you hit the ping pong ball with an all-arms swing compared to using both arms and wrist? Watch the slow motion replays of the pros on TV, and you will see the wrist snap is held back until the last possible instant. That is why most of the pros may look like they are swinging very easy, but they still generate a lot of clubhead speed with that last-second wrist snap.

Why do water hazards sometimes have red stakes and sometimes yellow?

Hello Yali,
If the stakes are red, it is a Lateral hazard so you can drop near the point where the ball entered the water. If the stakes are yellow, you have to drop BEHIND the spot where the ball entered the water, along the line to the hole. Let's say you are playing on the west coast and you hit a ball in the ocean, you might have to drop in Australia if it were not for the lateral hazard rule which uses red stakes.

If it were up to me, I would change the wording of the rule to get rid of the phrase "behind the spot" to allow dropping at the nearest relief point no closer to the hole, then we would not need two separate rules. For the benefit of Purists who object to my reasoning, I would take away the lateral rule and make the Purists drop in Australia.
Joe DeLorenzo

Until Next Time...

Good Golfing,
Joe Forbush

191 Main Street Suite #1
Nashua, NH

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To update your contact information:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

DonĂ¢€™t Miss Shots by Selecting the Wrong Club...

Hi Seth,


I've been having some spam filter problems as of late
with email -- so if you sent me something and didn't
hear back please email me at THINKANDREACHPAR@GMAIL.COM
and I'll get back to you with in 24 hours.


Thanks, Joe


They call it "'N Synch Golf"...

Adz Kozlowski (the PGA pro for the First tee Golf School in
Philadelphia) shares his secrets on the part of the game that
touring professionals spend 90% of their practice time perfecting. (But most amateurs completely ignore.)

The critical short game.

Now, we both know the average golfer only cares about hitting long, straight drives. But the fact is, you can muff half your
tee shots and most of your putts and still whip your buddies if
you know these secrets.

Not one amateur in one thousand understands this, but when you do
know these pro tricks... well, golf suddenly becomes EASY.

You can watch the video for free now at:


Golf Potpourri


Mac Stevenson

Don't Miss Shots by Selecting the Wrong Club

You should consider all major factors before you decide how to play any shot on the golf course.

Many shots are missed before you ever take a club out of the bag. Everyone wants the maximum results they can get from every shot; that's good, so long as you keep your goals realistic.

In many respects, golf is like poker--you have to play the percentages on every shot. Don't try and take more than the golf gods are willing to give you. Examine your lies ever so closely--even in the fairway--before you decide on the shot you want to play.

When you hit your drive in the fairway on a long par four or a par five, don't automatically pull your 3-wood out of your bag for the second shot. Check your lie. If it's a good one, go ahead and hit whatever club you want. But if it's a tight lie and you think you might have trouble making good contact with a 3-wood, go to a more-lofted club like a 5-wood. The distance you lose won't be that important and a missed shot with a 3-wood could prove costly.

During PGA tournaments on TV, many golfers watch the pros hit their drivers off the fairway and they can't wait to get to their course and try the same shot. Don't do it. Unless you have a very good lie, it's quite difficult to hit a driver off the fairway. Under normal circumstances, the risk far exceeds the reward on this shot. It takes a highly skilled player to use a driver from the fairway.

Trying to hit a high pitch shot from a tight lie on the fairway is asking for trouble--the tighter the lie, the tougher the shot. Most sand wedges have a wide flange on the bottom and it's next to impossible to get the club under the ball from a tight lie. When feasible, you'll be better off playing a pitch and run shot. The pitch isn't a hard shot from a good lie, but it's testing when the ball is sitting down.

Lies in heavy rough are harder to judge and it's best to err on the side of caution. As a general rule, don't hit a wood any lower than a 5-wood unless you have an unusually good lie. And more often than not you'll do better by just hitting a lofted iron back to the fairway.

Never try and hit a big fade or hook from the rough; the grass gets between the clubface and the ball and it's impossible to put much spin on the ball.

Another tough shot is when your ball comes to rest against the first cut of rough adjacent to the putting surface. Quite often the best shot you can play is with a putter, making sure you hit down with a chop-type stroke on the putt. This shot takes practice.

When you find yourself in a fairway bunker, the most sensible shot in most cases is with an iron. If it's a long way to the green and your ball is sitting up in the trap and you don't have a steep lip to go over, sometimes you can hit a lofted wood from fairway traps. But usually it's best to play the percentages and hit an iron back to the fairway.

Back in the fairway, you can be unlucky and find your ball in a deep divot. In my opinion you should get a free drop, but that's not what the rules say. Who said life is fair? Your best shot is to use an iron and hit down and through the shot. You have to hit it like a punch shot. Don't try and hit a wood or you'll really mess up the hole.

There's one place where you determine what kind of a lie you have, and that's on the tee on par 3s. A lot of players toss their ball on the ground and hit it. That's poor thinking. Put the ball on a tee and you'll improve you chances of hitting a good shot. You can set it very low if you like, but the tee shot on par 3s is much easier to hit from a tee than off the ground.

Keep your poise and use common sense when deciding what to do with a bad lie, whether it's in the fairway or rough. Don't try shots that are next to impossible because of an unlucky lie. The breaks will even out over the long haul.

Until Next Time...

Good Golfing,
Joe Forbush

191 Main Street Suite #1
Nashua, NH

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Q and A with Joe DeLorenzo is BACK!!!

Hi Seth,


I've been having some spam filter problems as of late
with email -- so if you sent me something and didn't
hear back please email me at THINKANDREACHPAR@GMAIL.COM
and I'll get back to you with in 24 hours.


Thanks, Joe


They call it "'N Synch Golf"...

Adz Kozlowski (the PGA pro for the First tee Golf School in
Philadelphia) shares his secrets on the part of the game that
touring professionals spend 90% of their practice time perfecting. (But most amateurs completely ignore.)

The critical short game.

Now, we both know the average golfer only cares about hitting long, straight drives. But the fact is, you can muff half your
tee shots and most of your putts and still whip your buddies if
you know these secrets.

Not one amateur in one thousand understands this, but when you do
know these pro tricks... well, golf suddenly becomes EASY.

You can watch the video for free now at:


Q and A with Joe DeLorenzo

I cannot find a Taylormade ladies 11 wood which I would like to own. I assume this is because they only make these in hybrid clubs now. I guess I will need a hybrid with a loft of 25 degrees. My question is do I hit the hybrid with the U swing the way you do a fairway wood, or do you swing it like an iron? Thank you so much.

Hi Elva,
Wow, an 11 wood must have a lot more loft than 25 degrees, I would be afraid the ball would pop up and hit me in the nose. Anyway, I have found that most people are not very successful using a different swing for fairway woods, except for maybe single digit handicappers.

If you are in that group you must be a very good ball striker. If not, I would recommend using the same swing for all fairway shots, which would be to hit down at the ball as you would with an iron.

I have a golf rule question: Yesterday my friends and I played golf and when one of my one friends hit his drive the ball broke into several pieces. What is the rule?

Hi Mickey,
Under Rule 5-3, you are allowed to play the shot over again with no penalty.

I really am reluctant to spend a lot of money on having my swing analyzed to see what types of shafts might be best for me. Is there a more simple method to figure this out? Also, what is likely to happen if I use the wrong type of shaft?

Hi Ned,
One way would be to use the 150 yard shot as a benchmark. If you usually use a 9 or 8 iron for that distance without overswinging, then you probably should use stiff shafts. If you use a 7 or 6 iron for that distance, you probably should use regular shafts. If you use a 5 iron or more, you might do better with a more flexible Senior or Ladies shaft.

The amount of flex in a shaft will vary from one brand to another, so the same amount of flex might be called stiff for one brand and regular for another, so this can be confusing. Sometimes you must ask yourself what is most important to you, distance or accuracy. A more flexible shaft may add distance along with wildness. A stiffer shaft may make you more accurate, but with less distance.

To answer your last question about what would happen if you use the wrong shaft for your type of swing, a slower swing speed with a stiffer shaft will produce lower shots with less distance. A higher swing speed with a shaft that is too flexible will produce higher and wilder shots.

Try to attend demo days at a driving range where you can compare results from different types of shafts and brands, and see what works best for you.

I was vacationing in Florida recently, and I was freaked out by a large alligator sitting next to a pond beside the fairway. My shot just missed him and he turned to look in my direction. I have heard for short distances that alligators can run faster than humans. Luckily I was riding a fast cart that day, but what if I was walking?
Scared by Allie

Hi Scared,
All you have to do is run faster than only one other person in your foursome.
Joe DeLorenzo

Until Next Time...

Good Golfing,
Joe Forbush

191 Main Street Suite #1
Nashua, NH

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