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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Seth, breaking golf news!

Hi Seth,

It's Joe Forbush here and I've got some good news... and some bad news.

Over the last few weeks I've been giving you free private access to watch some of the golf videos that will be featured in my upcoming "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club".

(If you haven't seen the videos yet you can still watch "Stroke Savers" with Adz Kozlowski here: I'll leave it up for a few more days to give you one last chance to watch it, then I have to pull it down for good.)

Feedback from the hundreds of golfers just like you that have watched the videos has been outstanding.

Seems our simple, easy to understand methods are just what golfers are looking for. Not to mention the convenience of being able to watch the videos anywhere, anytime -- like at work, perhaps!

Anyway, the good news is that I've been putting in serious hours behind the scenes and we're just about ready to open up the "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club".

And the bad news?

I've been sending the free videos out to 1,962 people... but my tech guy says we have to limit the number of memberships that are released. The web server simply can't handle a huge number of people watching the videos at one time.

(The videos in the "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club" are MUCH larger than the free videos I've been giving you.)

He says the max we can handle at one time is 78 (plus or minus a few).

And even though I've hardly released any details of the "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club" there are already people lined up to sign up as soon as the doors open.

That means a lot of people that want to join the club will miss out.

Those on the priority notification list will get a 10 minute head start on everyone else... but there are still no guarantees.

If you're not on the priority list and you want to get a head start on everyone else you can still sign up here:

Like I said, there are no guarantees you will get in just by signing up to that list, but it's your best shot.

Tomorrow I'll email you details on exactly what you get when you join the "Online DVD Clinic Of The Month Club", and the exact launch date.

That way you can decide if it's right for you and be ready to sign up as soon as I email you your registration link on launch day.

Good Golfing,
Joe Forbush

P.S. If the priority notification list is closed by the time you read this it means we've reached the maximum number of members. Don't worry, we probably won't sell out in the first 10 minutes, so you may still have a chance of getting in.

But if registration is still open your best bet is to make sure you're signed up here:

191 Main Street Suite #1
Nashua, NH

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