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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Greeting

We would like to take this time to wish you a Joyous Holiday
Season and a prosperous New Year.

I'll keep this short and sweet.

There are tons of things that a golfer COULD do to improve but
if they only do these three things they will strike the ball
with more compression than they have ever imagined!

If you need more info on how to incorporate these three things
in your game just give us a shout!

Three Things That All Golfers Can't Do Enough Of

Yes, there are many things that golfers can do better but there
are three things specifically that golfers just can't do enough

1. They can't keep the right wrist bent long enough
2. They can't drive the clubhead into the ground deep enough
3. And they can't keep moving the right shoulder down plane far enough

Let me explain how these work.

1. They can't keep the right wrist bent long enough

The number one alignment in golf is a flat left wrist. Without it nothing
else makes much difference and the player will always have
erratic club face alignments. The key to having a flat left
wrist is maintaining a bent right wrist. The longer the player
keep the right wrist bent through the stroke the longer the left
wrist will stay flat. This flat left wrist helps to maintain the
clubface alignment and minimize clubface twisting.

2. They can't drive the clubhead into the ground deep enough

Most players do not drive the clubhead into the ground and keep
it in the ground all of the way to low point. Most players get
to impact and think that the stroke is over so the club goes
impact then up instead of the impact then down. By driving the
clubhead into the ground and NOT quitting the left wrist CANNOT

When the club goes through Impact and continues downward the
divots will go from shallow to deep and the length of them will
be from where the club entered the ground all the way to low

For example, if the club entered the ground at a location
just underneath the left side of your chest then the divot would
start there and go to the outside edge of your left shoulder.
This means that the player is sustaining, what is called the
line of compression and gives shots that explosive sound!

3. They can't keep moving the right shoulder down plane far

Since the right shoulder, or shoulders, are part of both
the pivot and the power package its role is to provide support
and direction for the hands, arm, and club. If a player is using
just the arms and club but no right shoulder support then they
are only using two thirds of the available power.

If you look at swing photos of all the best players in the world
you'll notice that the lowest point of their right shoulder during the
stroke is well past impact. This means that their right shoulder is
moving down plane and providing the support necessary for a club
that is moving in excess of 100 miles an hour.

Look at the three best ball strikers that have ever played
golf. Ben Hogan, Lee Trevino, and Moe Norman.

All three kept the right shoulder moving down plane.
All three maintained a bent right wrist past impact.
And all three drove the club into the ground.

If you want to be a great ball striker you've got to do these
three things.

There you have it. Work on these three things andf you WILL become
a better ball striker. But if you need help just give us a call or come and
visit us here in lovey Destin Florida!

Be safe and enyoy the Holidays.

Chuck & Randy

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