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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Double The Overlap to Add Distance

Dear Seth,

The No B.S. Golf Newsletter

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I would like to thank Mr Joe DeLorenzo for taking the
Time to answer these questions for us!

Joe is available for private lessons in the Chicago area.
If you are interested, let me know.

Joe is a very good instructor and does an excellent job, so if you
Are having a problem, send it to me and he will answer your

A Bit of Golf Trivia
Sam Snead is one of the most successful golfers of all
time, yet he failed to win all 4 majors. Which one did
he fail to win because of a simple mental error which
could not have happened in today's game?

Whenever I am faced with a simple pitch shot I get the
heebie jeebies and I either chunk it or skull it. When
I practice I can do it OK, probably because I am not
nervous during practice. Besides, my town does not
allow practicing golf in our parks so I have no place
to hit pitch shots. Our course only has a putting
green but no chipping is allowed on it. Any ideas you
might have would be appreciated.

Hello Ronald,
One way to reduce the effect of The Yips, or the
heebie jeebies as you call them, is to develop a
pre-shot routine and do not deviate from it. That way
your mechanics might not be affected so much by
worrying about the outcome of the shot. For example,
take 3 waggles and begin the swing without delay. If
you can do that and keep the face of the wedge facing
the target all during the follow thru, then I think
you will be OK. Many pitches are messed up due to
improper follow thru. If this does not seem to work
you might try some different wedges until you find one
that works best for you, maybe one with a shorter
shaft and thicker grip. Surely there must be some
places for you to practice, maybe a baseball diamond
that is not being used, or behind a school building
when nobody is around. If not, I guess you will just
have to save some of your driving range balls for
pitch shots instead of full shots.

I have a new set of clubs and I hit most of them OK,
but not all of them. I am trying some swing changes to
hit them all the same, but nothing seems to work for
all the clubs. Any ideas?

Hello Ira,
Being able to hit most of your clubs OK is an
indication that your swing is not that bad. Changing
your swing to fit a certain club (especially drivers)
could be a big mistake, a never-ending battle.
Sometimes a piece of equipment itself can be the
culprit. There are many variables in clubhead shapes,
weight, lie angles, shaft length and flex, grip sizes,
etc., and the way all these factors come together can
cause different behaviors from club to club, even in a
matched set because of tolerance buildup. Try playing
a round using only the clubs that you hit well.
Richard has suggested on several occasions that you
can score as well by using only 8 clubs, and I think
he is right. Take one of your best and worst
performing clubs to a pro shop to have the specs
measured, maybe they are not as well matched as they
should be. Borrow from your friends and try their
clubs on the range. Visit some stores that allow you
to try demo clubs. Some stores will allow you to try
demo clubs out of the store with no commitment. Try to
attend "Demo Days" at ranges whenever they are
advertised, because they will let you hit a variety of
their clubs free of charge, and compare the results
you get from different shaft types, flexes, lengths,
swingweights, and other specs. Give yourself the best
chance to succeed, before you try a swing change that
may be unnecessary.

The Evil Twin's Purist Corner
If you believe everything the Purists say, you might
as well believe in astrology too, so here are your
golf horoscopes, what's your sign?

Aries - I have good news and bad news for you. First
the good news, yes there are golf courses in heaven
and they are far more spectacular than any course on
earth. Now the bad news, you have a tee time of 8:30
am tomorrow morning.

Taurus - To avoid stress, expect to have a certain
number of bad shots per round, and put them out of
your mind. Once you have used up that number, and you
are still on the first hole, then you can stress out.

Gemini - No matter how bad your last shot was it won't
be your worst.

Cancer - After playing your best round of golf you can
be sure that your next round will be one of your
worst. The probability of this coming true increases
with the number of people you tell about your great
last round.

Leo - Your golf cart will run out of juice at the
farthest point from the clubhouse.

Virgo - The slowest people in the world will be the
ones in front of you, and the fastest will be the ones
behind you.

Libra - Any golfer that hits into your group is
guaranteed to be bigger than anyone in your group.
And, what is truly amazing about this law is that the
opposite is also always true. Any time you
accidentally hit into a group in front of you, it will
consist of at least one person over 6 feet 5 inches
and 270 pounds.

Scorpio - The person you would most hate to lose to
will always be the one who beats you.

Sagittarius - Regardless of how bad you cheat
throughout the round, the last three holes will
automatically adjust your score to what it really
should be.

Capricorn - The more expensive ball that you buy, the
more powerful will be its magnetic attraction to

Aquarius - You will be inconsistent, but not all the
time. The best wood in your bag will be your pencil.

Pisces - Some days you will hook it, slice it, chunk
it, blade it, whiff it, and on other days, for no
reason at all you will really stink.

Answer to the above Trivia Question: Sam never won
the US Open. On one occasion he only needed a par on
the final hole to win, but he thought he needed a
birdie so he played too aggressively and got into
trouble and lost. This could not happen today because
of improved communications. Sam would have known he
was ahead so there would have been no need to play
aggressively, unless he was a student of Van De Velde.

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Richard's Quick Tip

Double the Overlap To Add Distance

Most golfers use an overlapping grip, with the little finger
Of the right hand placed over the forefinger of the left hand.
I would like for you to try a double overlapping grip, with the last
Two fingers of the right hand overlapping the first two fingers of
the left. This grip forces you to swing at a pace you can handle.
I have found that it improves the timing of the swing and, in
Most cases, increases distance.

When the hands are spread apart on the club, your generally
Have more clubhead control but cannot generate as much
clubhead speed. The double-overlapping grip, in my view,
acts as a more efficient hinge. I recommend it especially to
anyone that have small or weak hands or who have arthritis in
the joints.

Will not work for everyone, but will help a lot of you, if you
Will try it.


"Loyalty is something you give regardless of what
you get back, and in giving loyalty, you're
getting more loyalty; and out of loyalty flow
other great qualities." Charles "Tremendous"
Jones Speaker and Author


Until next time...good golfing!

Richard C Myers

Telephone 864.675.0038
New South Media, LLC
45 Doverdale Rd.
Greenville SC 29615
United States

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